Chapter 26

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A/N: I'm sorry it took me a bit longer again to update, I've just been fighting a bad cold and then it was Prom weekend for my Sister so its just been busy. I will try and get these chapters out as fast as I have been. Here's the next, this is more of laid back chapter, I hope you guys like it.


Draco woke up the next morning to an empty space beside him where Ginny had been sleeping. He smiled to himself when he heard the distant laughing and loud discussion from everyone who was downstairs at breakfast. He still couldn't believe this is what his life was now, it was almost unbelievable really; something he never in a million years thought it could or would ever be.  When he thought about how the world was today a part of him was a bit paranoid about the possibility of losing everything..... for him everything was Ginny; she was the one that changed his life....... that saved him from something so much darker. If he did end up dead at the end of all of this he knew he would at least be dying a happy man and he found some comfort in that. He quickly pushed his thoughts aside and crawled out of bed.

He made his way downstairs and took a seat by Ginny, who looked at him funny; normally Draco made sure he was showered and dressed before he made an appearance downstairs.

"Are you sick this morning?" she laughed at him, ruffling up his messy hair even more.

"Nah, I look amazing no matter what state I'm in." he joked as he piled some food on his plate.

"Morning everyone" Narcissa mumbled joining them at the table.

Everyone looked at her and then at Draco, not only did Draco skip his shower and getting changed this morning but so did she. Her hair was a frizzy mess and her pajamas were all disheveled; she gave a yawn and took a seat by Hermione and grabbed some food.

"Rough night, Mother?" Draco smirked at her.

She smirked back, "Let's just say I got the room next to the newlyweds." she said, buttering her toast as Hermione playfully slapped her arm causing them both to laugh.

"RONALD!" Mrs. Weasley yelled, shooting him a look. "UNDER THE SAME ROOF AS YOUR PARENTS? AS YOUR SISTER?" she said, slapping him with a dish towel.

"We can't use magic, otherwise there would have been a silencing charm on the room; so see at least we are thoughtful about it." Ron said ignoring his Mother's smacks and continued shoving food in his mouth. "What about Ginny, her and Draco slept together in the same room." he said through his full mouth.

"I'm sure they were more considerate than you and Hermione were." Mrs. Weasley snapped back.

"I beg to differ.....and I have one ear." George said, giving a fake shiver and mentally kicking himself for picking the room next to Ginny.

Mrs. Weasley gave an angry look at Draco and Ginny and threw her hands up in the air, mumbling under her breath and breaking into a small rant causing them all to snicker behind her back.

"Professor are we allowed to go to town?" Luna asked.

"I honestly wouldn't see the trouble I suppose, but fair warning, this town is a lot smaller than the last, there's less than 10 shops there and not a lot of people." McGonagall said.

"Do we have to take a bus again?" Ron said with a sigh.

"Actually, there is no bus to town, you either have to drive or find other means of travel."

"What? How are we supposed to get there then?"

"Mr. Weasley, you could always walk."

"Walk? All the way to town? That's far." he whined.

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