Chapter 18

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McGonagall, Arthur, Molly, and Narcissa were sitting at the small diner around noonish waiting for the others to meet them. Molly had spotted a craft store across the way and knew she could've used some more yarn.

"I might as well go run across the street and grab some things while we wait for the kids," she said getting up.

"Oh, um... Molly, would you mind if I joined you?" Narcissa asked suddenly.

Molly looked at Arthur and McGonagall with a surprised expression, "Oh, of course, please do."

Narcissa gave her a small smile and made her way with Molly across the street. They walked in silence for a bit when Narcissa finally spoke.

"I... I just wanted to apologize for my behavior, I am grateful for all the Order is doing for me... and for Draco. I know I'm not the easiest person to get along with." she said sounding ashamed.

Molly was shocked at the words coming out of the blonde woman's mouth beside her.

"I could deal with you Mrs. Malfoy, but the way you treat your son... I won't stand by and watch that. As blind as you may be to it, Draco is a wonderful young man. He has saved not only my daughter's life but my husband's as well, you should be proud of him." she said not helping the anger that rose in her voice.

Narcissa nodded.

"You're right, after the final battle I was so grateful that my family was still alive. I wanted Draco to be safe and in those moments I didn't care about going against the Dark Lord... I just wanted Draco to be ok... " she trailed off.

"So why not now?"

Narcissa shook her head, "I don't know... when Lucius couldn't get passed his darkness and took his anger out on us, I just accepted that this was how my life would be... and now here we are in a world just as dangerous as when Voldemort was alive. I took the coward's way out and put distance between myself and the problem in fear of my life. I never thought Draco would go to the Order and be the man he is today. I guess I underestimated him and never gave him a chance." she said, wiping a stray tear that slid down her face.

"Narcissa... I know you're not a stupid woman, but surely you know that Lucius will kill you the next time he sees you. It doesn't matter what you do he's an evil man and he will take pity on nobody, not even his own son." Molly said in a pleading tone to make her see things differently.

"I know Molly, I don't know how to make up for all the wrong I've done and the hurtful things I said to my son... I don't think he'll ever forgive me."

"Just be Narcissa, not Narcissa Malfoy. You can only go forward from here... so baby steps." Molly smiled at her.

She nodded and then made their way into the craft store.


"There you lot are, where have you been its twelve-thirty, we said noon."Mrs. Weasley scolded the group of young adults piling into the diner.

"First off, blame Hermione, we left her at the bookstore and went to a few other stores and then went back to the bookstore and she was still undecided about which book she wanted." Ron complained.

"And you two?" she looked to Draco and Ginny.

"Uh, we went to a candy shop, and then met up with Harry and Luna at the antique shop." Ginny explained.

"Oh, and we went to the suit shop" Draco added with a bright smile, causing Ginny to stomp on his foot.

"Well, come on sit down, let's grab some lunch; let's see how good this Muggle food is." Mrs. Weasley said more to herself than anyone else.

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