The look on Lucius' face turned from pleasure to a bit of surprise at seeing his own wife against him.


"I'M PROTECTING THE PEOPLE I CARE ABOUT" she shouted at him; her eyes fiercely squinted at him and her lips tight with anger.

"YOU......YOU-" he whipped his wand fast through the air at her and then an evil smile spread across his face.

All Ginny could see was Lucius' spell break through the protection charm and hit Narcissa and then she watched Narcissa drop to her knees. Her eyes grew wide when she saw Narcissa's hands that were covering her stomach and chest covered in blood.

Ginny just started to slowly shake her head. "No........NO!" she cried out.

Draco watched in horror as his Mother fell to her knees and he was running again as fast as he could, he wouldn't let this happen...... he just couldn't. He kept screaming NO for some reason, even though he knew his Father would never acknowledge or listen to anything he was saying.

Ginny was fighting with everything in her against the tight binds around her, but she was in such shock about what had just happened that she could barely focus. She watched Lucius walk up to his wounded wife and looked down at her with a smirk.

"Oh Narcissa......... to think you could have been at my side through all of this, the winning side........ pity."

Narcissa looked up at him; a trickle of blood dripping from her mouth. "I AM on the winning side." she said through clenched teeth.

Lucius smiled wickedly at her as he brought his wand up again and slashed it once more through the air. Ginny watched Lucius' curse cut through Narcissa and she turned her face away quickly as drops of blood splattered on her. Her breath caught in her throat and she let out a disbelieving gasp as her body shook with shock. The entire battle seemed to come to a complete stop and a deadly silence filled the air.

As Draco was running and saw his Mother's body finally fall completely to the ground, it was like his legs completely stopped working and he crumbled to his knees letting out a heartbreaking scream. He had his hand placed over his heart as if he himself had felt the deadly blow he watched his Mother endure. His body became stiff with emotion and he shook with rage at what his Father had done.

Ginny turned back to look at Narcissa; her face was pale and her eyes fought to stay open. Ginny couldn't hear a thing around her, it was like the whole scene played out in slow motion and the whole world became muffled as she studied the fallen blonde beside her......... this wasn't happening..... it just couldn't be. She watched Lucius approach her, saying something she didn't care to make out, all she knew was that she felt herself slipping into a place she had been trying to stay away from all these months. She suddenly felt the hairs on her body start to stand up and a few strands frizzing up and she then saw Lucius shoot a spell at her that sparked right in front of her face as it hit some sort of static barrier. She followed the source of the barrier over to Harry, who was a few feet away; his eyes a bright gold and then........ she felt it. A shock ran through her body that pushed her mind over the edge, allowing it to become completely undone........ completely unhinged.

She broke free of the binding charm and then let out a frustrated growl as she pushed the electrical barrier forward into Lucius making him stumble backwards. The look on his face was priceless as he was taken aback by the sudden attack and he was on his feet in a moment. A furious look was on his face as he ran at Ginny with his wand gliding through the air in an attempt to bring an end to the redhead before him. As his hand came down, he was met with a mass of flames that erupted before him and then they were gone, along with Ginny.

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