Meeting My Knight [E]

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A/N: The dress on the side is the one Andy and Em are wearing! I hope you like this chapter! =)

I parked the car and Emily and I got out. Palms down, we smoothed down our dresses before smiling at each other.

“Ready to party?” Em grinned at me, knowing I wasn’t a party animal. I mean I definitely enjoyed them but I couldn’t really go to many. Sure, different kids at school practically had one every weekend but I couldn’t very well leave my 12 year old sister at home all alone, could I? Or leave my immature brother and his friends – who could literally burn water, that’s how bad they were – to takeouts just so I could enjoy my night?

“Hell yeah.” I shrugged, my smile stretching to a grin. I walked around the car and to Em’s side. We both hooked our arms and walked up to Jamie’s house. Jamie's house isn’t as big as mine but big compared to normal houses. He had a big enough backyard and a white picket fence around.

The dress was a simple purple dress that reached mid-thigh. It was tight fitting and made it a little difficult to breathe, but nothing I haven't handled before. I had on reasonable 2 inch wedges unlike Em, who was wearing 5 inch zebra printed pumps. What she was thinking, I don’t know. She was wearing a forest green dress that somehow worked on her and brought her eyes out, not that the heavy eyeliner didn't do that already. I'd put on some lip gloss, and mascara and that was it.

“Hey guys!” Jamie warmly greeted us, reaching out and giving us both a brief one armed hug, since his other hand was too busy wrapped around a bottle of beer, out of which he took several large gulps. He was an okay friend of ours but his parties were always great.

Which was convenient for him since his parents were gone every month for at least a week.

“Hi!” Em replied cheerily. Someone’s excited. Hell, I was too.

“Hey back at cha,” I said back, twirling my heart necklace with my pointer finger.

Jamie whistled. “Someone looks hot tonight!” Seeing as his eyes were on me, I chuckled. He was a complete flirt. And drunk, he was just hilarious. I shook my head.

“Goodbye Jamie.” I firmly said. Jamie was sweet but not my type. Em smiled too and we both headed inside. It was crowded, as per usual. Some were dancing, some were grinding, some were drinking, and I think I even saw some drunken fashioned ‘Truth Or Dare’ game. Hm… might join that later…

 “Hey I’m gonna dance!” Em shouted over the music to me, waving to the dance floor frantically. I shrugged and watched her go over to the dance floor and start dancing, moving her hips wildly and attaching herself to some stranger. I chuckled and decided I might as well get myself a drink. I went over to the kitchen, dodging past the slimy hands that tried to grab me on the way and stopped in front of the fridge and pulled out something.

I didn’t know what it was, but what the heck, right?

It was a party after all.

I took a swig and it felt bitter at first but then as I started drinking more, it seemed okay. I saw a few people here and there making out, some dancing on the dance floor, some drinking like me, and some were having a striping bet where if you lose you take off some jewelry or clothes. I shuddered. Even with all this alcohol inside me, I didn’t want to do something I’d regret in the morning, like I don’t know, lose my virginity possibly.

Suddenly I wanted to dance. I don’t know why but I wanted to! Throwing my umpteenth can – I honestly have no idea how many I’ve had anymore – I walked up to the dance floor and danced randomly with anyone, swaying my hips from side to side, with my arms above my head. I danced with a lot of people, some I knew, some I didn’t but I was enjoying myself. I fist pumped as a particular song came on but couldn’t focus enough to decipher exactly which one it was. Eh. It had a good beat to it. And that’s all that mattered right now.

Me? Love Him? No Way!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora