Amnesia-Part Two

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A/N: This story was requested by emiliusbelle and spnlifefanatic :3 so Amnesia is probably the first story I wrote that I actually consider good so to freshen your memory *Clears throat and straightens tie* Basically the reader was dating Dean, then lost her memory from a car accident, then fell in love with Sammy and Dean was really broken up about it and made a crossroad deal and then it ended with the woman appearing in Sam's POV. And I'm going to keep it in that for the beginning because the reader didn't come with him. On with the story!!

"Dean don't!" I yell from the car.

His head whips around quickly. "Sam, please... Leave..." I can only hear defeat and sadness in his voice.

I jog up to him, "Dean, really think this through..."

"I have, Sammy!" he says, turning to face me.

I finally get close enough to him to see his face in the pale glow of the moonlight. My brothers eyes were red and puffy from crying, and his face is tear streaked and stained.

"Dean, come home," I tell him, grabbing his wrist cautiously.

"I can't, Sam! I know you don't get how I feel, but please..." he reaches up and grabs my face gently and pulls me down, resting his forehead against mine, not speaking for a moment. "Brother, please let me do this..."

"Yeah, Sammy boy. Let him do it," the cross-roads demon says. She has long, wavy black hair and brown eyes, when they aren't red, with bright, shiney red lipstick on.

"Shut up," I tell her.

"Sam, you don't know her the way I do. You don't... You don't love her the way I do," Dean says.

"I don't? Dean, I've known her longer than you. I met her in Stanford, we were best friends. We used to study together, for God's sake. I know tiny things like when she gets too stressed, she throws up. And (lots of other quirks here). I know her. Better than you maybe."

"It's too late, Sammy," Dean says as he turns around and kissed the woman.

"Dean, no!" I yell, grabbing his jacket and yanking him back.

I hear the jacket tear a little as he fights back.

"Dammit, Sam!" Dean yells, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

I hear feet pounding behind Dean and I.

"Guys, stop!" Y/N yells.

-Your second person POV-

"Y/N? What the hell?" Dean asks, turning to face you.

"So you're the infamous Y/N," A woman behind Dean said.

"Who are you?" you question, tilting your head to the side in confusion.

"Oh, me? I'm just-"

"Dean's date," Sam cuts in.

"What are you hiding from me?" you question.

"What do you mean?" Sam asks, uncomfortably rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well, unless she isn't capable of saying 'Dean's date,' you had no reason to say it for her," you cross your arms.

Realizing that they weren't going to tell you anything, you change the subject, "So," your start, "I'll go wait in the car. Sam, you should leave them to it."

You feel strange around Sam and Dean. Maybe it was the presence of 'Dean's date' but you can't be sure. You just wanted to go home.

"I'll meet you there," Sam says, giving you a tight, forced smile.

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