Power Outage

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        It was a thunder storm outside, which wasbad enough, but then the power went out. 

        "Ah!" You shrieked.

        Sam and Dean rushed into your room without knocking.

        "What's wrong?" Dean asked.  He sounded very worried.  But Sam looked so worried he couldn't speak.

        You try and take deep breaths, but you're struggling to do so.  You felt yourself sweatting and your heart breating quickly. Your hands started shaking.  You know exactly what's happening.

        "Y/N," Dean says, "Hello, Earth to Y/N?"

        "What?!" You snap at him.

        "What the hell's going on, Y/N?"

        "Do you get panic attacks, Y/N?" Sam asks you.

        "N- No..." You stutter.  You were lying.

        "Dean?" Sam says nodding his head to the door.

        Dean gets the hint and leaves, "Hope you feel better..." Dean says, shutting the door behind him.

        Sam walks over to you and sits on your bed.

        "I know what panic attacks look like... I used to get them too," Sam says quietly.

        You look up at him a little, but you still won't tell him.

        "I didn't tell anyone when I was younger and I eventually had one that was so bad I had to go to the hospital.  I almost died, Y/N... And it's because I didn't tell anyone..." He paused a moment to let it sink it.

        You start to cry and you burry your face in your hands.  He sets his hand on your back and rubs around lightly. 

        "Is it because of the thunder and lightning or the power going out?"

        You sniffle, shaking even worse now.  It's even harder to breathe.

        "Sh- Sh..." He quiets you.  "I'm going to go get a candle or a flashlight or something, okay?" He starts to get up."

        "No," You say, "Please don't leave me..."

        "What would you like me to do?" He asks.

        Your breathing starts to calm down a little with Sam comforting you.  "I want y- you to stay here..."

        "Okay..." He nods.  "How about you lie down for a while, okay?"

        "O- Okay..." You lie down, resting your head on the pillow.

        Sam pulls the blanket over you, making sure you don't get it over your head. 

        You put your hand on Sam's bicep and pull him closer.  "Will you lie down with me?" You ask quietly, calming youself down.

        "Sure," He says quietly.  He lies down next to you, but above the blankets. He drapes his arm around your waist.  "This okay?"

        "You can get under the blanket.... If you want..."

        He pulls the blanket down and slips under it, readjusting so he's in the same position as before. 

        "Feel better?" He asks.

        You take a deep breath and nod, "I think so..."

        He kisses your cheek lightly.  "Good... Tell me next time and I'll get something better to calm you down."

        "I don't think naything will work better than this," You smile nad drift off to sleep.

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