Happy Birthday

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A/N: first, I am working on a few of stories right now (3, 2 requests, one by me). But it's my birthday soooooooo

You feel a set of hands wrap aroubd your waist and you smile a little, still half asleep.

"Good morning, beautiful," Sam whispers in your ear.

You open your eyes and look at tge digital clock next to your bed.

"It's midnight," you mutter quietly, turning over to face Sam.

"It's also your birthday. That means it's an entire day, just to honor your birth," he smiles.

You roll your eyes a little and ststart to get up, knowing you'll never win.

You and Sam walked out of the room you share together. Literally. He offered you a moosey-back ride. (Yes, I did just)

He sets you down in the kitchen and you see Dean. Obviously.

Dean turns around, holding out a big cake.

You smile widely, "That's amazing."

"It took all I had not to eat it now," Dean says, only joking a little.

"Let's eat it then," Sam says happily.

"Cake for breakfast?" You question, raising your eyebrows.

"You're the only person ever to question that," Dean says.

Sam rolls his eyes, "Just think of it as a midnight snack."

You and Dean bother laugh.

"Hapoy birthday to you!" They both start to sing.

"Oh, gosh. No," you joke. Their voices are surprisingly very good.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear Y/N! Happy birthday to you!"

You clap a little and blow out the candles after wishing and then they clapped.

Later, after eating the best cake ever, you, Sam, and Dean called Cas.

"I wish I could, but I can't stay, Y/N. I have duties to heaven," he says.

"Come on, Cas. Pleasssseeee?" You beg.

He nods a little and rolls his eyes slightly.

You, Sam, and Dean cheer a little.

And it was the

A/N: Yes, I'm sorry it's so short, but I have another that I'm almost done with! By the way, completely off topic, when I get requests, I try to do them In order, so if your request is taking a really long time it's either that or I'm just not done with yours. And if you really think I forgot, message me and remind me maybe :) have a nice day! :) do it! Rawr!!!!

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