A Favor

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        "Guys," Bobby said, "This is Y/N.  She owes me a favor."

        "Hey," The taller man said.  "Sam," He introduced himself.

        "Hiya, I'm Dean," the other man said with a bright smile.

        "Hey," You said.  You were shy and a bit socially awkward, but you sucked it up.

        "She's one of the best hunters I know," Bobby said and you blushed.  "I gotta get goin', boys."

        "See ya, Bobby," Dean said.        

        "Bye, Bobby," You said

        You owed him a favor; and this is how he wanted you to pay it back.  He saved your life a couple months back; standard vamp hunt gone bad. 

        "So," You sarted, "What do you have so far?" You asked.

        "Jack squat," Dean exclaimed.

        "That's not completely true," Sam said.

        "Yeah, you're right, Sammy.  We know how to not kill them.  Great." Dean said sarcastically. 

        "Do you have one we can..." You stopped to think of the proper word to use, "test?"

        Sam nods, "Downstairs, come with me."

        You follow Sam downstairs to the basement.

        "Here he is," Sam said.

        The monster laughed.

        "Thanks," You say.  "You can go."        

        "I insist on staying," Sam says.

        You turn to face him, "I work better alone."

        He stands, "Well, can I get you anything?'

        The monster laughed.  "Your girlfriend doesn't need any help, Sam."

        Sam throws a bitch-face at the monster.

        "I know it's tricky business dealing with him  But I'm a big girl, Sam.  I can handle it," You say.

        "I know... But can I suggest something?" Sam asks.

        "Shoot," You say.

        "Bobby said he heard something about Broax."

        "Like- household- everyday- run of the mill- borax?" You ask.

        Sam nods.

        "I'll check it out.  Go to the store and get me some.  Please."

        Sam nods.  "Sure thing."

        When Sam leaves, the monster laughs.

        "He's got a crush on you, ya know," It says.

        "You're a Leviathan, what do you know?" You ask.

        "You don't necessarily have to be a mind reader to see what that kid's thinking," The Leviathan chuckles.

        "He just met me," You say quietly, "He knows nothing about me."

        "Tell him that."

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