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        You lie down on the empty bed.          

        "Tired?" Sam asks.

        "Sh..." You whisper.

        "Ah, hangover," Sam says.

        "I said sh..." You whisper, almot asleep.

        "A guy?" Sam whispers.

        "No," You say.  "Can I go to sleep now?"

        "Touchy," He giggles.

        You're already asleep.

        "Goodnight, princess..." He whispered. 

        Dean slowly wakes up, "Good mornig," He yawns.

        "Why are you awake?" Sam asks.

        "Because I stopped sleping," Dean says.

        "Haha," Sam laughed sarcastically.

        You wake up but leave your eyes shut and listen to the boys talk.

        "When'd she get home?" Dean asks.

        "A few minutes ago," Sam answered.

        "Do you still like her?"

        The room grew silent.  "Yeah... I do... It's bad, Dean..."

        "Tell her... I'll leave and I'll make sure the door slams to wake her up then you tell her."

        "He likes me...? I thought it was just me who likes him..." You think to yourself.

        "Alright, I'll be back in an hour or so, if oyu need more time, text me," You feel Dean get up.

        "Wait, Dean... I don't know if I can do it..."

        "You can," Dean says then leaves, slamming the door.

        You pretend like it woke you up.

        "Hey," Sam chuckles nervously.

        You rub your eyes, "Hey," you smile.

        He takes a deep breath. 

        "This is it," You think.

        "Dean left to get something to eat," He said.

        "Damn..." You think.

        "So, why'd you get drunk during hte day?" Sam asks.

        "Well... I was just trying to keep my mind off things," You say. 

        "What kind of things?" Sam asks.

        "You," you htink.

        "Just... Things..." You say, ignoring your thoughts.

        He nods.  "Okay."

        He was really akward and it was adorable. 

        He takes a deep breath again.  "Ilike you... A lot," He finally says. 

        You hug him tightly, "I like you too," you smile.

        "Good," He kisses your cheek lightly.

        "I was drinking because I love you..."        

        Sam smiles.  "Wanna go to sleep with me tonight?" He asks. 

        "Yes," You smile.

A/N: I apologize for this being such a stereotypical story.  Next one will be better. 

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