Love... Or not?

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A/N: Yes, the person with the horse mask and party hat is me. This story was requested by Cantstopreading098 and I hope you enjoy :) Also, if something is in italics and bold like this that means it's a flashback :) Anddd, there is some (a lot of) language (like fuck,whore, etc) you've been warned ??

"Today," you smile to yourself, crossing a day off of a calendar.

Today was the day Sam, your boyfriend, came back from a hunt. Hunts are usually no big deal, but this was a two month hunt. You missed him, the time between was so horrible, but you can't wait to see his smiling face.

"Two months," he says, holding your hands. "I promise."

"Why can't I come with you?" You ask sadly.

"It's not safe, baby," he looks down at your tear streaked face.

"I'll wait for you," you say. "I'll stay in the county. First motel in the phone book, yeah?"

He gives you a sad smile, "Yeah."

You grab your coat and slip on a pair of shoes, exiting the motel. You already looked in the phone book the previous night and the motel that was first was called "Abicana's." (I just made something up please don't hurt me) You break into a full sprint as you see him entering his room. Well, you see the very back of him, but the height and luscious moose hair gives it away. You go in after him.

"Sam, you're ba-" you were cut off at the sight.

"Leave," he says, pulling away from his kiss with another woman.

The woman glares at you.

"I'd never leave you, Y/N," he says.

"Swear?" You ask.

"I swear."

"Pinky promise," you say, holding your pinky out.

"Okay," he nods, locking pinkies with you. He smiles slightly at your innocence.

-Sam's POV-

I groan and stand up.

"Y/N, get out," I say, getting closer to her face.

She doesn't move.

"Why are you just standing there? Go!" I yell.

She flinches, then turns around, mumbles something I can't make out, then leaves.

"Sorry about that, babe," I smile at the woman on my bed.

"Who was that?" She asks.

"Some girl I used to date. She kind of stalks me," I lie.

She pauses for a moment. "Weird."

I laugh and then get closer, bending down to kiss her.

We continue to do things, but my body just goes with the movements, I don't really do much. I can't stop thinking about what I said and did to Y/N. Even if I did love- Shit.. What was her name? Amy? Alyssa? Whatever- this chick, I should've let Y/N down easily. After all, we did love each other.

-Your second person POV-

You run into the motel you had before he came home, ripping open the door. You throw pictures of him on the ground, surely breaking the glass.

You lie down in your bed quietly. You were angry before, you're just sad now. "Dammit..." you mumble quietly.

-10 minutes later-

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