The Meeting-1-1 Long Car Ride Home With Derek

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**A/N: Only read this if you chose to go with Derek. If you didn't, go back to the first page. -Talia571**


"Home." You tell Derek. You tell Derek where you live and he nods. Stiles should know that you aren't coming, so you text him and let him know that you aren't going to the party.

You: Hey Stiles, can't make it to the party. Sorry.

Stiles: Maybe next time :(

"Who are you texting?" Derek asks you.

"Stiles. He's in a few classes of mine. He invited me to a party but I'm not really up for partying tonight." You explain to Derek.

"Stiles Stilinski?" Derek asks with disbelief. "Skinny kid with brown hair? Hangs out with Scott McCall?" He knows Stiles? This surprises you.

"Yeah. How do you know him?" You ask. How can this guy possibly know Stiles and Scott?

"I met Stiles through Scott. Scott and I ran into each other one day and talked a little. I suppose you could call us acquaintances." Derek shrugs.

"Huh." That's all you can think to say. "Stiles is quite an interesting person, huh?" You add, trying to break the awkward silence forming. For the first time since you met Derek, he laughs.

"Yes, he is." Derek agrees. "So who's party were you invited to? Stiles'?"

"Lydia, I think? I don't know her but Stiles asked me to go with him, Scott and Allison." You explain.

"Ah." He nods. "Why didn't you go to the party, again?"

"I don't know, really. I guess it's because I don't really know anybody." You shrug. Also because you want to hang out with Derek, but you don't tell him that. "It was probably a bad decision though. I won't have anything to do at home." You laugh quietly. Derek picks up on your hint.

"I don't have anything to do either. We could do something if you want." Derek offers.

"Like what?" You ask, fighting a smile.

"We could crash the party or go see a movie." Derek shrugs, a small grin on his face. You don't want to crash the party and make everyone you'll be going to school with mad at you but you doubt that Derek literally means crashing the party. He probably means go to the party. If you go to the party, you would probably make Stiles happy. Or you can go see a movie and have some alone time with Derek. Your choice.

The Choice:

If you choose to go to the party with Derek, go here:

(The Meeting-1-1-1 Party With Derek)

If you choose to go the movies with Derek, go here:

(The Meeting-1-1-2 Movies With Derek)

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