Kelly quickly nodded in agreement. We connected both our hands and closed our eyes. I took deep breaths to relax myself for the transmission. A bright light flashed through my vision before I was looking through Kelly's eyes

I saw little Riley playing on the swings. "Mommy! I can go really high!" Riley chirped. I felt the love that Kelly felt for her daughter.

The love was quickly replaced with worry as growls filled the temporary silence. Turning around, I saw wolves. There were so many wolves. It had to be over a hundred, but I didn't look for long. I turned around and grabbed Riley from the swing.

We followed the other women and kids to the safe-house. I heard snarling and scratching as I ran. Riley was crying as I clutched her to my chest, speeding up. We finally got to the safe-house, and we sat in the far corner.

A few minutes later, all the women and children were accounted for. Naomi was the last one as she appeared out of nowhere. Immediately, the witches started a force-field. We had it up for a few minutes until the door flew off the hinges. Half-shifted men stood in front of our force-field.

They banged on the invisible wall as we struggled to keep the spell up. Women were slowly giving up. Blood poured from their noses as they stopped doing the spell. Eventually, I was the only one still keeping the shield up.

I ignored the pain in my head and the blood dripping from my face. The fact that Riley was here gave me more willpower to keep the shield up. But it didn't last long. I felt myself slump down to the floor as my energy diminished.

The men started grabbing people as my ears rang from the women and children screaming. I was looking around. I felt fear fill my body as I searched for Riley. But everyone was blocking my way. I was suddenly covered with a cloth of some sort.

Someone hid me from the men. But I could still hear their voices. "Who are you people?!" a woman cried out.

I heard more growls that would have me shaking in fear if I had any energy. "King Asher sent us" a man answered coldly.

Another flash of light passed and I was back in reality. Pain erupted in my chest causing me to squeeze my eyes shut. This shouldn't be happening. It shouldn't hurt when I come out of her memories. I forced myself to open my eyes.

Rather than seeing Kelly drained of energy like I expected, I saw her drained of blood. There was a puddle of crimson red liquid going around her body and soaking into her clothes. "Kelly!" I cried out. I quickly dropped to the floor and shakily turned her body over. There was deep claw marks covering her stomach.

They had to be made less than half an hour ago, that's how long it would've taken her to bleed out. The spell wasn't over. The spell dropped because she died.

I gently took her head onto my lap as tears fell from my eyes. Kelly didn't deserve this. No one in our family deserved this. With trembling hands, I shut her eyes and stood up.

"Thank god you're alive!" a voice shouted. I jumped in fright before turning around. There was a guy maybe a few years older than me. Just by looking at him, I knew that he's a werewolf. Power flowed off of him, but I couldn't tell what rank he was. I would guess that he's a Beta. The power felt slightly weaker than a Beta, but it was stronger than a Third.

I kept my eyes strained on him, not letting my guard down. He sheepishly rubbed his neck. "I'm Jesse, future Beta of the Midnight Howlers" he introduced himself.

Midnight Howlers. It sounds familiar, but I don't know where I heard it from. "Hi" I said quietly. I looked down at the ground and saw the pool of blood at my feet. My head snapped back up to the Beta. "Do you know what happened?" I asked in a slightly accusing tone. I can't mourn over Kelly if her killer is still here.

Living A Lie (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now