chapter 25- told you so

Start from the beginning

"You're just jealous." Brayden said as he put his shirt on finally. Mitch and Rylan put all the guns in the backseat and I went Brayden his camera back.

"Here." I handed him the camera and he took it.

"So, how are things with Mitch? Do you still have his jacket?" He winked at me while we walked to the car. I rolled my eyes and pushed him away. I wasn't going to answer his question- even though the answer was yes.

"Shut up." I groaned as I tried to walk a little faster, but Brayden had long legs so he could keep up with me.

"Have you guys even gone on a real date yet? Besides that one where the waitor tried to hit on you? I heard you guys went to the aquarium the other day, how did that go?" Brayden put his arm around my shoulder and I pushed it off.

"Those weren't dates! We haven't gone on a date, because we aren't dating. We were hanging out- as friends." I rolled my eyes and tried to walk away, but Brayden grabbed my wrist.

"Seriously? Not dates? No, when you and I or Mitch and I hang out, that's hanging out as friends. When you and Mitch hang out, that's a date. Come on Bek, I thought you were smart." He shook his head and looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Ugh shut up. This joke is getting old." I shook his hand off of my wrist.

"Hey, you guys coming?" Mitch called from the car. He had a weird look on his face, but I just shook it off.

"Yeah, coming! Come on Brayden." I walked towards the car, not saying another word to Brayden.


I was walking back from my room from the kitchen with a glass of water. It was really hot out today and I was planning on spending the rest of my night watching some of the vlogs and other videos that the rest of the cube members made at Minecon. Mitch and I had spent the afternoon hanging out with Brayden and Rylan after we filmed the video, but now we were back home for the night. I was about to open my door when I heard a painful groan come from Mitch's room. Well there goes my YouTube marathon for tonight. I knocked on Mitch's door and when I got another groan in response, I opened it and let myself in.

"Hey, Mitch. You okay?" I set my glass on his dresser and saw that he was lying on his back on his bed. He tried to sit up so he could see me better, but he just groaned again and laid back down.

"Yup, never better." He grunted sarcastically. I sat down next to him on the edge of his bed and restrained myself from rolling my eyes.

"It's your back isn't it?" I asked. Mitch nodded his head as he looked at me. "It's because of that stupid video, I told you it was a bad idea. Now roll over and get off your back, stupid." I sighed and helped Mitch lay on his stomach. "How bad is it?"

"I don't know." Mitch shook his head. He seemed to be in less pain now that he wasn't putting pressure on his back. I didn't really want to do this, but I felt like I had to.

"Mitch, this is going to sound a little weird, but it's for the best. Okay?" I asked as Mitch turned his head to look at me.

"Okay." He said cautiously but he nodded

"Take off your shirt." I said maybe a little too quickly for my liking. Mitch gave me a weird look and raised his eyebrows in confusion.


"I mean, you have to take off your shirt so I can see how bad it is. Your back." I said awkwardly so I could make this not as weird as it was five seconds ago. Mitch nodded and sat up, but when he tried to pull his shirt off, he stopped and winced in pain.

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