You Replaced Me

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Yo! Hehehehe, I have nothing to talk about so yeah...goodbye!! {{Not really though}}

Herobrines POV:
The three-headed beast looked at me in shock. Just before he had called me "The Prophecy Child "! I know nothing about this prophecy.

"Do you know of the prophecy, " The beast spoke, breaking my chain of thoughts.

"Um...what? Oh! No I have not heard of the prophecy, please tell me!" I blurted out.

It closed his eyes and the room when dark. {ready for the worst prophecy}

One of combat
One of knowledge
One shall be crowned king of hell
The other king of heaven
One of sorrow
One of revenge
The eyes of light
The eyes of dark
Light shall be evil
Dark shall be good
Beware the eyes of the hellish king
The battle shall begin
With a simple replacement

It opened it eyes and the light returned. I gasped with horror as I realized what the prophecy meant. I will be crowned king of hell?!

"As you can see, I am the king of hell, and I shall not give my throne to a mere human! " It hissed

"Well, a prophecy must always complete itself, so you will give it to me!" I growled

"Then, you must come and get it!" It sneered.

"But...I don't even know how to use my damn powers!" I muttered

"Thats what makes it easy!"

With that said the beast, shot a projectile which looked like its head. I dodges that one and fell on my back. It shot another one and this time it hit me. I flew back and crouched in pain. Then I heard those voices. Stronger than before!

Herobrine, I can help you!

I will take the throne for you!

Just relax!

I did what the voice told me to. I relaxed. Soon I felt anger and power fill me! I looked at the floor. What it seemed to be, that my eyes glowed brighter. Suddenly, I felt a pain in my side. But this pain felt good! Laughing menacingly, I lifted my head to the beast. Crimson fire engulfed my hands and I started to speak,

"You never told me what you were or who you were! The prophecy said that I shall me crowned king of this hell! Now! Bow down to me!"

My voice sounded like two people were speaking at once. What was I becoming! Whatever it was, it felt good!

"I am known as the wither! And no mortal shall defeat me!" It screeched.

My lips curled into a smile, an evil smile to be specific. I slowly started to walk towards the...Wither. When I was close enough, I lunged at it. The wither screamed as I punched it in the rips. A sword materialized in my hand. It got ready to shoot another wither bomb at me. But I just dodged it with ease. As I reached it, I put my sword to its middle head. And when that happened, I whispered three words,

"Any last words"

It hissed and tried to shoot me with another wither bomb. But failed miserably. I plunged my sword in, and it screamed! So loud that even the over world could be heard it. Soon a floating head with rods, hovered into the chamber, it gasped in horror as it saw what I did. It looked up at me in worry,

"Say hello to your NEW king!" I yelled with a smirked.

With that said, the room filled with all sorts of mobs. Then one wither skeleton, bravely walked up to me. It held a circle object in its hand.

"To our new king" It shouted.

As it said that, it placed a black diamond crown on my head. I laughed with joy and devilishness. The mobs started to back away and leave the room. I just sat there for a while until I decided, to go and visit Notch. Quickly, I shot up and looked for a mob. Sooner than I thought, I bumped into a blaze. It stared at me and I stared at it. I was the one to break the silence,

"Is there a way to get back to the over world?" I asked

It nodded and motioned towards and obsidian frame with a purple vortex in the middle. I thanked it and ran up to the portal.

"Geronimo!" I screamed, and jumped through the portal. The world formed around me as I looked around. But to my surprise, it formed right in front of my house. Slowly, I walked up to the door and knocked on it. I heard running and then someone opened the door. No it wasn't Notch, but it was me. I heard someone call,

"STEVE! Who is it!!" Sounded like Notch.

"What's your name?" Steve asked.

"Its...Herobrine.." I smirked as I said this.

"He said his name was Herobrine!!" Steve yelled back to Notch.

I heard more running, and soon I saw Notch. He looked at me and started to cry. I guess I didnt look the same, I mean I had fangs and glowing white eyes.

"Is that really you, Herobrine!" Notch whimpered

"Yeah as far as I know! But who is he! Why does he look like I used to!" I growled.

"I figured out I have powers to create things, I thought I lost you, so i....replaced you," He spoke

My heart snapped in half at that moment. How could he! Why would he! Anger filled my body, and I looked at..Steve. A sword materialized once again in my hand.

"Herobrine? What are you doing?" Notch asked.

"Killing a replacement!" I muttered

With that, I took the blade and grabbed Steve's neck. I plunged the sword into his stomach and then his heart. I looked back at Notch and teleported back to my hellish domain. I began to cry, why would he replace me!! He cant replace Herobrine, Rage filled me!

Next time I see Notch, I will kill him!

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