Morning Disasters

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"Hey, Jazz." An easy grin graced my lips, more than likely making me look like the fool I am with just an appearance from Jasper. The smile couldn't so easily be swiped from my face, seeing as I was over-joyed knowing he was the first one to greet me today. To say my mood inflated is an understatement. 

His copper eyes were a shade darker than I remember, though it was more than likely the lighting in this shitty school. "How has your morning been?" He politely asked. 

Although he was being descriet, I saw his eyes roam beyond me, searching for something he had no intention of letting me know about. Jasper doesn't have to say anything, but I know it was Adam he was watching out for. Ironically enough, as I scanned Jasper's face, it was Adam's that pulled my attention away from reality. His green eyes pierced my face, letting me know he was aware of me, but I was determined to not give him what he wanted; my undivided attention. 

"Peachy. But, if you want to do me a favor, just keep saying stuff while looking at me." I pleaded the last part, giving him a smile and the classic puppy eyes. 

His musical laugh echoed sweetly in my ears as he nodded in compliance. "As you wish. I'm guessing you told Jesse about yesterday because neither of them are making fools of themselves behind me, right?" His eyes locked with mine those thoughts kept creeping back into my mind; those eyes just weren't right. He wasn't human, that's for sure.

woah woah woah back the fuck up Jamie you don't know shit about him! 

I mentally slapped my inner-self, and continued to look at Jasper and not blink like the freak he probably thinks I am. I really needed to stop arguing with myself or I'm going to literally drive myself insane.  "I love your eyes," I blurted, my face blossoming red.

wow now he'll really think you're a creeper w a y t o g o 

He blinked and backed up, making both of us aware of our proximity to each other. I didn't even realize we were a few inches apart, and clearly having some gawking viewers. Thank God he was the one to move because I am in no position to stop myself from doing whatever the hell it is my mind is urging me to. Self-control is dead just like chivalry among men. 

"Thanks, yours aren't bad, either." He teased, motioning for me to walk with him, away from our gathering audience. A smirk toyed on his lips and I resisted the urge from staring directly at them like some sort of deranged cannibal. 

"I'll forever hold that near and dear to my heart, Jasper." I managed a wink and boy, was I struggling to keep my heart from hammering right out of my chest. Not wanting to do anything else I'd regret sooner than later, I slid into my seat in English class once we made our way into class, where Jasper had dragged me. And, since neither Jesse or Adam had shown up yet, we continued our conversation without dissruption. "But seriously, thank you for yesterday. I would probably be dead in the woods somewhere if it weren't for you and your father." Trying to make a light joke out of a horrendous situation was not one of my strong points, either, obviously.

Because You Live [Jasper Hale] [UNDER EDITING]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu