Chapter 1

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*Lily's POV*            

It was hot as we waited in line, Denver during the summer is tortuous but since me and my best friend had tickets to the biggest boy band in the world we couldn't say no. It was happening! We were finally going to see One Direction! I've always had this dream that they would be singing Heart Attack and Niall would look into the crowd only to turn his full attention to me, well considering I was holding a sign that said "MARRY ME NIALL?!" Then he would pull me on stage and tell me I was the most beautiful girl he has seen since tour started.

"Earth to Lily?!"

I was brought back to reality by Emma she wasn't as big as a fan as I was but she came just to make sure I was well taken care of.


"You had your 'I'm in another universe where Niall loves me' smile, your kind of creeping out the girls in front of us."

I started laughing "Well their just jealous!"

She started laughing.

"When does this thing supposed to start?" She whined.

"8:30, dude I'm starving!"

"I told you we should have-"

I started screaming as well as the other girls because right then the boys was coming out of the front entrance.

"Lil shut up! You’re hurting my ears!"

I started laughing "Sorry Em"

"Excuse me ladies!" I heard Louis cry over us.

Then the girls starting screaming even louder, I stood up on the bench that we were sitting on, and put my two fingers in my mouth and whistled.

"Shut it you freaks! The queen is trying to talk!"

Louis looked at me and started laughing, "Thanks love!"

I smiled back at him, my eyes then darted to Niall and he was staring at me! I just looked down and started blushing;

I jumped down next to Emma, "He was staring at me!"

She looked at me weird.


"Really Em? Really? Come on! Who else?!"

"Well I would be too if I did what you did. God I'm so embarrassed right now!"

Then all of a sudden the girls were screaming again.

"What's going on?"

"You told everyone else to listen but you didn't?"

I gave the girl a go to hell look and she said "The boys just said they're going to be picking random girls to sing to during the show and we have to be nice to them.”

“What does he mean by that?" Her friend asked.

“At past shows when they use to brings girls up to the stage they were hated on so they had to stop.”

My mouth made the O shape and when I turned around she added "I'm going to make sure Niall chooses me."

I turned to her and just smiled at her "Good luck with that!"

Emma just looked at me and shook her head, smiling.

*Niall’s POV*

Who knew a girl could whistle so loud?

"Shut it you freaks! The queen is trying to talk!"

I couldn't help but smile, then her eyes darted to mine...BUSTED! She was really cute, she had the biggest brown eyes I've seen, brown hair that came down past her shoulders, she was obviously not wearing any make up not that she needed it, especially when her cheeks turned a shade of pink, she looked down suddenly but not before I saw her smile, she had the most beautiful smile I've seen, I wonder what she was smiling for? Then she disappeared, where she go?

"Niall! Let’s go before we get mauled." Liam pushes me to get moving

"Sorry," I took one last look to see if I could find her.

"What you were you looking at?" Zayn said has he walked up next to me.

"There was this girl-"

"Shit Nialler caught himself another one!" He said poking my stomach; Louis came up next to me.

"It was the girl who whistled wasn't it? She was cute."

I got the biggest smile on my face.

"Well mate I don't know what you did but you had that girl smiling and blushing."

I smiled; she was smiling because of me.

*Lily’s POV*

"Ugh Em pleeeaassssse!"

"No! I'm not going through that madhouse again!"

"I'm hungry!"

“Well too freaking bad you should have got something before we came in!"

I smiled at her.

"If you don't do it I'm going to post on Facebook how madly in love you are with Zayn, should I post the pic of your bedroom as well?" I took out my phone.

"You’re a horrible person."

"I know it keeps me up at night, get me something to drink too."

I smiled at her. She got up and left, as I was looking around I just happened to look towards the backstage and I saw him, Niall. He was looking straight at me! He smiled at me and waved, I smiled back and waved. Then he mouthed something to me but I just gave him a confused look. He tried to say it again but then he turned nodded his head and walked away. A few minutes passed when Em came back "If you want food go get it yourself! Those girls are crazy! Lil you ok?" As she touched my arm, it snapped me back.


"Were you in your other universe again?" She smirked. I leaned closer to her ear, and then double checked to make sure no one was listening.

"I saw Niall."

"You always see Niall." She looked at me stupidly.

"No, by the curtain over there," I nodded, "he waved at me, and then mouthed something to me but someone got his attention and he left."

"Oooohhhhh! Well I guess we will never know."

I smiled at her; at least I am able to see them live finally!

The arena started to get dark, and smoke came from the stage, the show was starting!  I got goose bumps as a video started playing, then shadows ran out on stage and Up All Night started playing! Then me and the hundreds of girls started screaming. They were so cute jumping around and picking on each other. At one point Niall kept picking on Liam and then Liam started chasing him around the stage, I was just laughing. I noticed too that every time I would look up Niall was looking at me.

"What did you do to Niall?" Em asked me.

I turned, looked at her and just smiled, “I have no idea.”

 *This is my first fanfiction and  I'm also new to Wattpad so help me out with some followers please! Also I would like to know what you think! Give me some pointers also! Thanks!*

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