"Hey! We're going to have a dance party!" He says, dragging you into his room, "Oh god, I can't dance." You say.

"Tonight you can." He says.

You jump on the bed and start throwing the complementary fruit at him.

"Ahhh, hey, stop it!" He screams, while giggling.

He jumps on the bed, nearly knocking you off.

You guys both jump on the bed, and stupidly slow dance with no music until you guys both collapse on the bed, and drift off to sleep.

You wake up in the morning with Michael's body on top of you,and his head on your boobs, "Oh my god, Michael!" You say, shaking him to get up.

You look at the clock, and it's 12:34 pm. He realizes he's on top of you, and gets up. You guys were both still in your outfits from last night.

"What happened?" He asks, rubbing his head in pain.

You both had some serious hangovers, "I don't even know." You confess.

You sit up on the side of the bed and hold your stomach. You felt like you were gonna be sick.

"Hey, are you alright?" Michael asks, sitting down next to you holding your waist, and leaning his chin on your shoulder.

"I'll help you." Michael says in your ear, as you lay back on the bed.

"I think we had way too much to drink." You say, being obvious, "Haha, I agree." Michael says, laying down next to you.

All the sudden you hear a knock on your door, "Come in." Michael says, as you and him both get up.

You struggled to stand, so Michael held onto you tightly, so you wouldn't fall.

It was Michael's manager Frank.

"Hey look at this magazine." Frank says, surprised but angry at the same time. You both look at it.

You see on the cover that Michael is holding you as you both stumble into the hotel. It was obvious, you could see the hickeys on my chest, and he had lip stick marks on his cheeks.

The caption read.

"Michael and y/n get wild and sexy at the ama after party"

"Oh god." You say embarrassed, Michael looks at you blushing.

"I'm not sure how to explain this." Michael says, handing the magazine back to Frank.

Frank leaves the room angry leaving you, and Michael alone.

You go to the fridge to get some water, "Would you like some?" You ask. "Yes please."

You give him his water and grab your bag, and coat still stumbling, while you walk, "Where are you going?" Michael asks.

"I should probably go." You say, as you trip over your own feet.

Luckily, Michael catches you, before you break your face.

You awkwardly stand there looking in his eyes, as he holds your waist.

"How are you not still drunk?" You ask, "I don't think I drank as much as you, but I'm suffering from a major hangover."

You get out of his grasp and put on your coat.

"Hey, will you stay? I think it may be a little uneasy for you to walk down to your room." He says,

"I'll stay for you." You say.

You go to your room anyway and meet your manager, and change into different clothes. Still drunk, you put on a pair of monkey pjs, and a huge blue winter coat.

You walk back to Michael's room, "Um, y/n. What are you wearing?" He asks, "I'm ready to go skiing."

He takes your coat off and gives you one of his shirts to wear, "This is much better." You say.

You hop into the bed and bury yourself in the covers, while Michael turns on the tv.

"y/n and Michael Jackson made an appearance at the ama after party. We got rare footage of (your fav girl celeb) kissing. Looks like they had a wild night as the party continued in a limo traveling back to their hotel." The reporter says.

"Oh my." Michael says, shyly giggling as they show a video of you kissing her.

"Hey!" You say, throwing a pillow at him.

"It's kinda hot." He says smirking.

"God, what else happened that night." You ask, throwing your hands up.

"Just get over here in bed!" You say, as you hold your hands open for him.

He climbs in next to you falling on top of you. You both laugh, and fool around. You start playing with his hair, until you start to drift to sleep.

-Michael's pov-

I watch the tv, as I turn to see y/n sleeping. It makes me laugh, so I turn off the tv and fall asleep with her in my arms.

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