I guess that's what the get for behind so "hot" as the whole school says. I turn my attention back to Saaya and sigh. "Hello Saaya." I greet.

Sure, I hated her guts but I was suppose to be the nerd girl so I had to be nice to her, that way she would get creeped out.

She scoffed at me. "Don't talk to me like you know me! You disgusting nerd!" She glared at me. I took a deep breath preparing for her move.

She then took my "hair" and slapped her hand onto my face. My cheek instantly burned, swelling up in an instant. Her minions giggled and Saaya smirked. "See ya dork!"

She then promptly skipped down the hall to Ikuto and his group of friends, who had just walked in. I huffed out a breath and held my burning cheek. I then headed to my first class.

Once seated in my usual seat in the front of the room, right in the middle I pulled out my free reading book and started to read.

I did this everyday. I made myself look like a goody goody girl in school so that nobody could hurt me. If everyone stayed clear of me then nobody would stalk me again!

The bell ring and everyone filed into class. I was 16, a sophomore and so was Rima, Saaya, and Kairi. They sat down in their seats before the teacher walked in to start her lecture.

After getting murderous glares from Saaya, first period ended. I got up and then promptly headed to my locker, getting materials for my next class.

Suddenly Saaya and her posey came up to me. "Hey nerd!" She shouted. I rolled my eyes without her noticing before being flicked on the nose. I glared at her but she glared back.

"Don't look at me like that! You deserve it!" She smirked at me. I sighed. "Sorry Saaya... I need to go now." I mumbled. She grabbed my wig and held me there. "Not so fast!"

"Saaya-chan!" One of her minions pointed behind me. Her hand immediately let go of my hair. I turned around to see who it was and was surprised to see Ikuto.

My eyes widened and I looked down at the ground. What the hell is that pervert doing here? "I-Ikuto-kun!" Saaya instantly forgot about me and clung to his arm. He didn't move where he stood thigh.

I looked up to see him staring at me. Huh?! Why is he staying at me!!? He then smirks and walks away. I stand there dumbfounded before realizing I'm going to be late for class.

I scurry to my next class but Ikuto's smirking face stayed in my head. Ikuto was one year older than me, he was a junior along with Kukai, Utau, and Naj.

I was distracted all class period and was even unaware the bell bad rung, dismissing me. I went quietly to my 3rd and 4th class and finally it was lunch. Not that I eat that nasty stuff!

I mean it bubbles a is squishy! Even the meat looks fake! I drink my milk and take a bite of my apple. The only not so bad thing on the tray.

"O-hohohoho!!" I hear Saaya loud annoying laugh and I look over to see her sitting on Ikuto's lap as she laughed at something. How disgusting!

She always hangs around him like that it but he never pays attention to her so I wonder why she keeps trying? Whatever it's not like I care about the slut. I mean seriously!

Her skirt was almost to her underwear and her shirt was unbuttoned at the top, exposing her cleavage. It was also unbuttoned at the bottom, exposing her belly button.

She also didn't wear a tank top so you could clearly see her pink lacey bra underneath. I mean why does she make her self look like that?!

I guess you could say the same about me though so I'm not the one to judge. Anyways... I take another bite of my apple and look out the window.

I had no friends because of the way I looked but I didn't mind. That's why I wore this stuff. Lunch ends and I go back to boring class.

After sitting through 4 more classes the bell finally rings, signaling that we could now leave the building. I smiled inside and walked to my locker. My day wasn't just over yet. Saaya came over, Ikuto beside her

She clung to his arm and smirked at me. "Hey dork! I've got some homework for you!" She yelled in her annoying loud voice. Ugh. Again? She asked me last week too!

I really wanted to tell her off, to smack her back but I controlled myself because if I did do something back, I would be breaking my character. I held out my hand and she smiled smugly.

"That's a good nerd!" She coed to me like I was a dog. I just ignored her and took the paper she handed to me. "When does it need to be done?" I asked in my soft voice.

I talked soft because that's how girls like this talk. Nerdy girls are shy and quiet so I had to be too! She scoffed and slapped me hard on the face.

"Don't talk back! My homework is first priority so just do it and give it to me tomorrow!" She yelled. I held my cheek and almost glared back at her but stopped myself. "Forgive me."

I bowed slightly and she laughed. "Now leave! Me and Ikuto-kun have stuff we need to do!" She shouted. No doubt she wants to make out with him! How disgusting!!

I take out my homework as well and put it in my bag before quickly leaving the two in the hallway. I walk to Ami's school and pick her up, then we walk home.

"We're home!" I shout, taking off my wig and shoes. I hear no reply so I look in the kitchen to see and note on the table. "Huh? What's this?"

Amu, me and papa had to stay late at work. I wrote the grocery list on the counter for you, please cook dinner for Ami and you. Be safe and lock the doors, we have keys so we can get in. See you tomorrow morning. Love you, mama and papa

I sighed. "Hey Ami, mama and papa had to stay late at work so I'm in charge!" I shout. She comes running downstairs. "Really?!" She asks. I nod and she points for a second.

"I love you sis!" She cheers. I laugh. Such a weird child she is! "We have to go to the store so we can get the ingredients for dinner so come on."

I take her hand in mine and slip my shoes on. I grab the list and wait for Amu to get her shoes on before heading out the door, locking it and slipping the key into my jacket pocket.

I hope I don't meet anyone from school there! They might recognize me in my school uniform but then again I'm not wear my wig so maybe they won't notice me even if I do meet someone...

Sorry there's not much Amuto yet but this is the first chapter so keep reading and it'll get better! Thanks!!

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