Part 1

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Part 1

I leaned my head on his shoulders as we cuddled each other. His curly hair brushed my cheeks which forced me a playful laugh.

"I love you," he whispered with his husky voice. He looked down at me and smiled.

"I love you, too," I told him, ruffling his curly hair.

Ring Ring.

Harry's phone is vibrating, he took it from his pocket and glanced at me before answering the call.

"Hello," he said, his husky voice is just... seems so sexy for me. I watched him as his face turns frightened, his smile faded. I am getting a little bit nervous. I hoped it's a good news, not bad news. But I also knew that Harry is kinda a joker too so I guess he might be joking. I gasped at him as he let go of his phone. His eyes are teary then slowly moved his head to face me, "Babe, There is bad news."

"What is it?" I asked nervously. The thought of him crying made me more nervous. I had saw him crying last time and it was me the reason why but now, I think it's someone else. I watched him as he tried to spill out those words, those words that may change our lives. 

"Spill it out," I said calmly, he lowered his head to hide his face away from me, He looked like a young boy crying as if he just lost a toy car or lose the game. 

"Jana.... S-She's in the hospital right now because of car accidents," he stuttered.

I shook my head, "Harry, please, I am not in the mood to joke right now and this is not a good joke!-"

"I am not joking, I am telling the truth-"



"She's healthy, She's not in an accident. Harry you know that, you've seen her!" I said, covering my face with my hands. He pulled me closer to him, patting my back. "I am afraid that I am telling the truth. You need to accept it, babe.Now, we need to go to the hospital." He whispered calmly.

I let an uncontrollably sob, tears streaming down my face. I hugged him tight. Of course, Jana, she is my bestest friend. She'd done so much stuffs for me and I don't even what will happen to me if she's in a situation like this. I feel like I am suffering, suffering of seeing her in this situation. We all know that this situation is just too much, she doesn't deserve this! She is a nice person and this shouldn't happening to her. I know that she deserve wonderful than this. I admit, I am starting to blame God but I know that I shouldn't. We all need to face our fate and in every problem, has a sun waiting for us. I wish I should be the one who's in her situation, I feel like this is my fault. All of my fault. He did his best to comfort me by whispering in my ear and by patting my back, "Everything's will be okay, love."

"I-I shoul-"

The door flew open, our gaze focused on the direction where the noise came from. Seeing a guy, seeing him makes me feel more guilty. He is the guy who Jana loves. I remember her going crazy because of him. But I have a little hatred on this guy, for breaking her heart and for not noticing that his bestfriend loves him. His black hair is all messy, I can't believe it, he usually have a fix hair, he doesn't want anybody to ruin his hair but now... I think he is shock to hear the news, you can tell by his hazel eyes. I pulled back from the hug and focused at the guy who is also my friend, my close friend. "Zayn, Have you alread-"

Zayn nodded, he covered his face with his hands as he let out an uncontrollably sob. He is crying, of course, his bestfriend is in the hospital right now. "This news is spreading around the world." He sobbed, wiping his face with his long sleeve. "We need to go. She need us, now."

I glanced at Harry, probably giving him the look saying, "Yes. We should."

Harry nodded at me, knowing what I meant. He went upstairs to take my or his car keys. I didn't look at Zayn nor talk to him, seeing him cry makes me feel more guilty even know that I haven't done anything wrong, or Am I?

"Marielle....." Zayn whispered.

"Hmm.?" I moaned.

"I should have told her everything, about my feelings but I am afraid to. I am afraid that maybe she'll leave me," he stuttered.

"Zayn, we all know that she really likes you, I mean, She loves you but you didn't even notice that." I told him, keeping my voice calm as possible.

"I've been an idiot, I should have known."

Harry came back, he brought 2 jackets probably one for me and one for him. He leaned down to pick his phone and pocketed it. "Shall we go?"

I gave him a single nod, "Yep." Before we went outside, I took my purse and locked the apartment door. We hopped in the car, I sat on the passenger's seat while Harry sat on the driver's seat. I glanced to look for Zayn but he left just before I get my purse.He didn't wait for us and I understood him. He wanted to know if Jana's okay or not. He needed to tell her the truth.


We spotted Louis, Eleanor, Liam, Danielle, Zayn and Niall waiting for the doctor. They all sat on their seats, their faces are full of concern. I sat beside Louis and Harry sat right beside me. No one even dare to speak, to know if everyone's alright. Silence filled the room while we waited for the doctor, memories started to pop inside my head. Remembering my bond with Jana before this happens. I remembered her protecting me and making me happy everyday. For helping me in situations I don't know how to solve. She always give me advices specially when it comes to love and most of all, She treats me as her sister and I do the same too. These memories made me cry, tears starting to roll on my cheeks. My friend Louis seems to recognize me crying. He patted my back, and Harry slightly squeezed my shoulder for comfort.

"I feel the same right now, Ynaboo," Louis whispered softly,

Of course he would, she is his bestfriend too. It's normal for him to feel the same. I didn't respond to him, I leaned on Harry's shoulder instead.

Louis didn't say a word anymore, his attention went back to Eleanor. I wonder when will Louis gonna tell us that his girlfriend is Eleanor, I wonder when.

The doctor went out of the room, I stood up quickly and asked the doctor how was she. "Are all of you her family?" he asked simply.

"We are her friends but we treat each other as a family." I muttered.

"I am Dr. Smith and I am here to tell you what's her situation now." He said, "She's in a coma-"

"Till when?" Zayn asked nervously.

"We don't know. The accident have damaged her brain, her memories. So there are possibilities that she'll have an amnesia," he said.

I feel my legs getting jelly, I feel myself getting weak. I sat on the floor, gasping as I cried again. I have asthma, so I have troubling in crying. Harry leaned down beside while Danielle went to the cafeteria to buy me water.

"Doctor, is there possibilities that she'll remember us?" Louis asked hopefully

"There are and we need your help to remember everything."

"We'll do everything," I said. Dr. Smith let us all inside the room. My heart sank the time I saw her, sleeping sweetly on her bed. She might look fine but in real, she doesn't. I walked towards her bed, can't prevent myself from crying. I held her hand, giving it a squeeze. "Wake up, Sissy."

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