"True. The thought crossed my mind after I found out that she'd seen Cato and she is very much married." Enya almost pouted.

"Okay but just because she's a sleazebag doesn't mean Cato was getting it on woth her recently. Dont be mad at him because of her. Text him and tell him you're with us because we should be leaving right now." Sprig said finishing up her drink. Chyanne nodded in agreement.

"Okay, tabs on me girls." Enya got up and paid for their drinks. She got her phone and sent Cato a quick text hey, sorry I havent answered. Been on a plane, visiting my sisters. Ill be back in a couple days xoxo

Her phone immediately went off, thank god u r okay. Have fun Fire Cracker. We'll talk when you come home. Wish I could kiss u always Cato.

Sighing she caught up to her sisters. It wasnt long until they were all seated on the plane amd sharing stories of their lives.

"The green house was so wet for lile three days after that fiasco! Its a wonder my plants didnt die. I seriously could have killed her. She's lucky she was new." Sprig said laughing at her story.

"Cant be half as bad as the damn chef I just hired. Kid looks like he's lost most of the time. Makes me anxious to open another restaurant. He almost chopped his finger off!" Chyanne said absently tossing her hair up into a messy bun.

"Probably so nervous cause he wants to put his D in your V." Enya said laughing when Chyanne blushed. "Ah-ha. Knew you had the hots for him."

The rest of the flight their conversation drifted between work, men and their mom. It wasnt very long until they landed in Vegas. The sun was just beginning to set when they got off the plane. They decided to try and rent a room at the Luxor. Everyone wanted to pitch in but Enya wouldnt have it. Eventually she won amd bought a private suite that housed a sit in area and three beds. The view was amazing.

Once they were settled and changed they decided bar hopping would be the best choice for them.

They went to the Griffin first and drank a couple shots. All decided the vibe there wasnt for them so they walked to The Garage, which is basically what the name entailed. Everything was car themed. Parts hung around the dimly lit room, low music played. While it was cool it was definitely not what they'd been looking for so they quickly moved on.

They'd stumbled apon TAO. There was music playing everywhere inside. This was where they needed to be. All them lined up and the doorman immediately called pit to them. He let them in ahead of people.

"Guess he thinks we're hot!" Chyanne yelled ober the music.

"Must be! Let's grab another drink and then vet our asses on the dance floor!" Enya said pulling them to the counter. They all ordered a round of tequila and down it.

Soon a new sound of music began playing, it's heavy thumping of the bass mixed with the lighter sounds. It screamed rave music and ot was just what Enya needed. She lost herself in the crowd, bodies mashing against each other not caring about who they danced with.
She had tried to stay near her sisters but eventuslly lost them. She'd shrugged it off and continued to dance. She'd been lucky and mostly women had danced against her but her lucked changed when the DJ decided to play Talking Bodies.

At first she hadnt paid attention to the guy that had slid in behind her. Then he started getting more courageous and placed his hands on her hips, trying to obviously grind against her. She turned and tried to shake him but he wasnt going to take no for an answer.

She gave up on trying to dance and made her way back to the bar. She had jusy ordered another round when Hot Hands slid up to the counter next to her. He had dark eyes and was tanned and a little slimmer than Cato. Under usual circumstances Enya wpuld have played his game but not now. Not after Cato. She doubted anyone cpuld make her feel the way Cato did.

"Not interested bud. Go find a ditzy blonde to boink." She said trying to fend him off.

It was quite obvious now that he'd had too much to drink. Slurring his words, "I don dig blondes, they-urrr not my type."

"God, listen you need to go home and sleep off the booze. Im taken. Not interested. Buzz off." She said hiking her thumb towards the dance floor.

"Come on-er red. Gimme er kiss. Yourrrr so sexy." He said trying to lean down.

Enya pushed him away, disgusted she left the counter in search of her sisters. It was time to leave. Hot Hands decided to grab her by the arm, spinning her and planted a sloppy kiss on her lips. Enya reacted in the only way she could. She countered his hand grab and flipped his ass to the floor.

Everyone in the area looked and the bouncers came to.collect him from the ground. They also asked Enya to leave and she quietly obliged. Her sisters finally catching up to her.

"Sorry girls, I got kicked out for protecting myself from a guy who couldnt understand what no meant. " she said running her hand through her hair.

"We're coming with, lets just get back to the hotel and order in. Sleep off the funk and take on tomorrow with brighter minds." Sprig said looping her arms with both Enya's and Chyanne's.

"Sounds like a good idea to me. Im starving anyway. Beating someone's ass will do.that too a girl."

They'd all changed into pajamas and were watching tv when room service was delivered. Enya didn't talk much, just plowed through her meal and told her sisters that jet lag was catching up to.her.

She went to her room and laid down. Didnt take long for her to drift into a bothersome sleep. It was all needed to finish off a crappy day.

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