Chapter 1: It All Starts Here

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"AHHHHH! TOADAY'S THE DAY!" Tara screams as she jumps on top of Lauren and Kaitlin, her 2 best friends who are sleeping soundly in the hotel room beds. Or, they were sleeping soundly. "Guys get up! We have to get going!"

It's Saturday morning and after driving all day Friday, Tara, Lauren,

and Kaitlin can now start to enjoy the beach for a week. Surprisingly, their parents were actually okay with them going down by themselves, as long as they called every morning, afternoon, and night to check in. (Mothers, gotta love them). The girls' parents all got together to decide on a house for them and they notified the neighbors and asked if they could keep an eye on them.

Lauren jumped out of the bed and grabbed Tara's shoulders, to get her to stop bouncing. Staring into her eyes Lauren said, "Tara. Calm down. We're all excited here, but it's freaking 4:30 in the morning!"

"Yea, but that means more time at the beach if we leave now! C'mon. Don't you want to catch all the good boys before all the other girls snatch them up?" Tara said, putting emphasis on the 'good boys'.

"Good point." Lauren said smiling and her and Tara start jumping and screaming on Kaitlin to try to wake her up.

"GUYS! WHAT THE HECK!" Kaitlin screams with her head still back on her Perry the Platypus pillow pet. Kaitlin is not really a morning person, so getting her up was quite the struggle.

Once Kaitlin was up, the girls headed down to the lobby for breakfast. "It's not even light out yet guys." Kaitlin said in a groggy, un-amused voice. After breakfast, all the girls took showers and then they put their stuff back in the car.

"I should probably call my parents and tell them that we're about to leave. BRB." Lauren said running back to the front of the hotel for service.

"Aren't you excited Kaitlin?! Only about 3 more hours and then we'll be in paradise!" Tara exclaimed, jumping up and down.

"Of course I'm excited, but not at this time in the morning. And you don't have to drive." Kaitlin is the only one of the 3 who has her license, so she was stuck with the job.

Lauren started running to the car and screamed, "Who's ready for the beach?!"

"Shotgun!" called Tara. The girls piled into the car and by 6:45, they were off.

After everyone was starting to wake up completely, Lauren said from the back, "So Tara, you ready to get your flirt on this week?"

"Yea, I guess I'm ready. But what if they don't like me? I'll definitely find a guy, but what if he doesn't like me the same way I like him? What if I get suckered into believing in something that was a game the whole time?" Tara replied, twirling her hair nervously.

Putting her hand on Tara's shoulder, Lauren says, "Tara. There's nothing to worry about. You're absolutely beautiful. I promise you that you will find an amazing guy and if he doesn't find you, then I'll search the entire beach for a guy whose worthy of you!"

Kaitlin interrupts the heartfelt moment by saying, "Ok, I don't understand how you two can possibly be thinking about boys so early in the morning. How are you guys even thinking at all this early?"

"Kaitlin....we know you want a boy too..." the girls say smiling devilishly.

"Maybe," she says blushing, "but I need to concentrate on the road." And her focus snaps back to the road ahead.

Lauren leans back in the seat after patting Kaitlin on the head, and Tara turns around with her eyebrows raised and asks, "So Lauren, what about you? How many boys do you expect to fall at your feet this week?"

"Um, none. Thank you very much." Lauren said confidently.

"Lauren, you can't be serious!" Tara said.

"Well, I am. I'll just be the fairy godmother for you two and make sure you both get home before midnight. I'm taking a nap."


"Shhhh." Lauren said interrupting Tara.

~ ~ ~

At around 10, the girls arrive in town. Tara and Lauren are looking out the windows with pure delight. The streets of town are packed with all the beach goers trying to find the best place for breakfast. Little kids are running around wearing their cute bathing suit cover ups and sunglasses, while the parents are trying their best to get them all sunscreened for the beach. Tara opened up her window and Kaitlin put on her sunglasses because the sun was shining bright in the sky. In the car, the girls were welcomed with the smell of the ocean and the wonderful, refreshing ocean breeze blowing in their hair.

"Guys, isn't this just great?" Tara asked.

"Yes, beautiful," Kaitlin said, "Now which one of you has the address?"

Lauren pulled out a piece of paper from her bag and said, "It's 1501 Ocean Drive."

"And where would that be?" Kaitlin asked.

"No clue." Lauren replied.

The girls drove around and after about 20 minutes of going in circles, the girls found their house. They pulled up in the driveway and all at once, the girls piled out of the car and stood in a line in front of the house. The house was a pastel pink color with a sky blue door, with the numbers '1501' pasted on the right side of the door frame. From the outside, the house seemed to be about 3 stories high, but it stretched out far behind the driveway. The 3 girls just stood there in amazement.

"Our parents really picked this house for us?" Kaitlin asked.

"They did better than I thought they would." Tara said.

"I call first dibs on my room!" Lauren said, darting into the house, leaving the other two stunned and slow on the move.

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