Chapter 1- Legends and Curses

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Here is chapter 1! I didn't say in the last chapter, but I don't own Twilight or any of the characters! But I do own my characters that I created! Mawhahaha. ;} Hope you like it! Review!

Chapter 1- Legends and Curses

My parents were lying to me again. Its not like they mean to lie, but I know them too well. They told me last weekend that we were going to visit some relatives from my mom's side and it would be a "family only" time. Meaning, they wouldn't go to any museums, digs, research anything, or do anything that has even the tiniest speck of similarly to their work. They would try, but something would come up or something and they'll break their promise. They did this twice to me before; once in England when we were visiting my grandparents and another time in Texas when visiting my Dad's brother.

I did my homework this time and I created to what I hoped and believed was a fail-proof plan. We were going to a small town on an Indian rez called La Push in Washington. My mom was Quileute and she wanted to visit her older sister; my Aunt Annie.

From what I read online, there were several really cool places to go, but unfortunally, there were also several more historical things as well. Knowing my mom, she would know all the local legends- which she probably told Dad- and they would both be itching to check them out. I had read a couple already to prepare myself to what I was going to get hit with; they always seemed to come out at me from my blind spot. I will never admit this to them- or anyone for that matter-, but the legends that I had read were interesting and I really liked them…. To a point, before they started bringing up painful memories.

I also checked out the local high school. Since school had officially started about four months ago, I would have to attend the high school there. Maybe, just maybe, if I liked my relatives we were staying with, I could convince my parents to let me stay behind while they travel the world more. I had a few cards up my sleeve I could use if I had to…

It would be near the end of Winter Break when we went to La Push. It would give me a few days to get to know my relatives and also to check out a few things. Out of all the legends that I had read, one had stuck out to me the most. One that spoke of fierce spirit warriors and men that turned into huge wolves. Maybe if I asked around, I would get some kind of clue to what had happened to me in Peru. I would have to make sure my parents never found out- they would call me a hypocrite and never let me live it down.

There was a reason why we stayed in Peru the longest. The trip started out normal enough; we had been there before when I was six. But two weeks before we were suppose to leave, something happened. The locals of the tiny village latterly-in-the-middle-of-nowhere called it a blessing. That not just anyone was picked by the gods for such a gift. I called it a curse. Their legends that brought this "blessing" on me was eerily similar to the one the Quileute have with their spirit warriors.

I wonder if their legends are true, I mused to myself as I stared out the window of the plane. I studied the greens and browns that was the earth. We were going to be landing in Seattle soon. The ones in Peru turned out to be and they're practically the same! After all, legends are based off something that actually happened- some are just more right than others. Everyone believes that vampires are fake, but you met one in Ireland! I shook my head and chuckled quietly to myself at that memory. Sasha was still one of my closest friends- only friend when I thought about it.

"This is your captain speaking. We are about ten minutes away from Seattle. If you would please place your trays in the upright position and buckle your seat belts. Thank you for flying with Southwest today and have a nice day." the pilot said over the intercom. I grabbed my book off my tray and snapped it back into place. I shoved my book into my purse. "Nadya, do you have everything?" My Dad said, his head poking up from behind his seat. My parents were sitting in front of me, "Yes Dad. I'm 17, not a little girl anymore." I said, rolling my eyes.

Dad tired to give me a stern look, but it wasn't working. "Are you trying to make me feel old?"

"Yes. Why do you think you have so many gray hairs? It was fun putting them there!" I laughed. Dad laughed along with me. That's why I loved Dad so much; nothing bothered him and he made everything cool and fun. Dad turned back around in his seat when I felt the plane start its descend.

We got through the security with no problem. When we were on the escalator going down to get our luggage, I heard my mom squeal and start waving frantically. I looked around to see what was the cause of her reaction. Mom had said that Aunt Annie and her son, my cousin, Collin I believe, would try to meet us here. I could see a lady who looked like an older version of my mom waving just as frantically. But she wasn't alone. She was with at least seven boys. If you could call them that. They were all tall, looked like they could be at least 25, hot, and looked like they were on steroids. Holy crap! I thought. Two were holding up a sign that was clearly home made- but was rushed to be finished. It said; Mary, John, and Nadya Carr. I almost laughed. They had miss-spelled my name; switching up the "y" and the "d". But it was the thought that counts.

Mom and Aunt Annie rushed to hug each other. Me and Dad followed a little bit slower. I as eager to met everybody, but I wanted to give my mom some space- after all, she hadn't seen her sister in who knows how many years. When they pulled apart, mom stepped back and introduced us, since my aunt wasn't at my parents wedding. "Annie, this is John and my daughter Nadya." Aunt Annie shook Dad's hand, but she pulled me into a hug. I smiled hesitantly as I pushed my sunglasses onto my head. I knew that I wouldn't need them here for sure!

One of the guys cleared his throat. "Oh! Where are my manners? Don't answer that sis." Aunt Annie saying, her hands fluttering around. "This is my son Collin," she said pointing the one that was standing next to her and was hold part of the sign. There was Collin, Brady, Jared, Paul, Jacob, Embry, and Seth. When my eyes landed on Seth and his eyes met his, I swear the world stood still. I didn't hear Aunt Annie was saying. There was only him and me. And oh my, his chocolate brown eyes widened in surprise and I got lost in them. Then he smiled like he had won the million dollar jackpot. It would better to say that he looked like a blind man seeing for the first time.

Okay, There is chapter 1!  :) please review!!! I already wrote chapter 2, but when I reread it, I didn't like it anymore.... though, if you are the first five to review, I'll give you a sneak peek at what I already wrote.... ;)

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