Chapter IV: The Talk ( no not that kind yah perverts )

Start from the beginning

Kill him. Those words resound in the back of his mind over and over again. As the phrase replays like a broken record the thought of the action continues to sound even sweeter than it did before. (holy shit Harry chill the fuck out gosh at this rate you'll go insane).

Harry's gaze slowly glides over to Perseus who is staring towards the back of the room out the window watching the moon as it silently rises to its peak in the night sky. His body slumped forward and his hands curled in to a fist on his thighs.

How easy would it be, Harry contemplates as his eyes roam over Perseus's slumped figure, to flick his wand and end it all right now. Would anyone scold him? Would they look at him as a hero? Would he be doing the right thing? (Eh tbh probs fifty-fifty also never mind about the insane thing we already clearly passed that bridge)

He snaps out of his musing as Perseus's eyes catch his own and he gives Harry a small hesitant and shy smile coupled with an awkward wave. Harry quickly turns his face away focusing exclusively on Professor Dumbledore until he feels the burn of those green eyes leave his skin. He shivers at the thought of Perseus's gaze. His eyes, Harry thinks, were guarded. For the brief second he looked in to those eyes he could see it. They acted as a cage barely keeping something inside, something strong, something dangerous. This kid, Harry thinks, is dangerous. This kid, Harry believes, should die. (Oh yeah Percy is still sixteen so Harry is older in this... Now that thats cleared up BACK TO THE STORY)

He should die a voice echo's in the back of his brain. Perseus should die. He should die like everyone else his grandfathered killed. He should die, it says, like everyone else he's killed. (Jesus freaking Christ Harry this is a sign PAY ATTENTION TO THE SIGNS)

A cold grin starts to appear on Harry's face and his hand goes for his wand. His fingers brush over the surface feeling the familiar electricity and power run from his wand in to his finger tips and through his entire being. It would be so easy, Harry muses, to lift it up, point and end it all. He already knows the spell, Harry's voice whispers quietly in his mind, so why shouldn't he. His eye lids lower and his mind goes hazey as he wraps his finger tips around the circumference of his wand beginning to draw it out of its holder. So easy, something whispers in the back of his mind, so easy to point and

"Harry could you kindly show Perseus to his room." The voice dissipates as quickly as it came and Harry shakes his head slightly to clear the haze from his mind. "I," he says hesitantly "um okay sure I-I'll take him." He stands quickly striding over to where Percy is seated and gesturing for him to stand and follow.

He doesn't spare him another glance afterwords only silently moving to the door. As he passes by two hands grab his arm. (oh my lord who could it be)  Startled Harry spins around facing Hermione and Ron in confusion. ( oh just them shoot I was hoping it was wait I'm not supposed to talk about them yet)

"Hey Harry are you alright you kind of spaced out during Dumbledore's speech." They both look at Harry in concern and  he sends a smile to Hermione before tugging his arm out of her and Ron's grasp. "I'm fine you two just thinking." They don't look convinced but they push past him walking to their own rooms.

Harry sighs turning to Percy who stood awkwardly behind him. Rolling his eyes he continues out the room towards the direction of the room Mrs. Weasley prepared earlier today. He makes sure Percy got to his room before turning and leaving without a word.

Somewhere far far away

The darkness is the only thing that exist here. It oozes and flows around and around breaking through shadows and blocking out light. It gathers around a strong presence that sits in the center of everything, covering itself in a blanket of black.

The presence leaks reds and greens and all kinds of colors. The only thing visible through the darkness. A rumbling laugh echoes around the area, gleeful and terrifying.

"Well well well it looks like things are finally starting."

It chuckles and another splotch of red appears bleeding in to the darkness that swirls around the presence. A whirlpool of blood red and black.

Not only have are things finally getting fun around here but it also seems like I've found a very suitable vessel this time.

The presence cackles is voice distorted and warped curling around the area and bouncing off the non existent surfaces.

"This will be fun, oh this will be so much fun. I can't wait to meet all my new toys."

The voice and presence fades away leaving only traces of its haunting aura and the distant sound of childishly gleeful laughter.

So what do you think much better than the last one right and I included some fun foreshadowing I hope you've enjoyed this and stay tuned for the next (edited) chapter of "Another Evil Grandpa" (title still a work in progress)

Edit completed at 9:52pm EST on Saturday September 2, 2017 with 1,516 words

And Should You Fall I Will Catch You (or fall trying): BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now