Chapter Twenty Four: A Careless Accident

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Chapter Twenty Four A Careless Accident

Chica was playing with Carl for her day off, Carl was lying down while Chica is scratching his belly, then Bonnie went in. "Hey Chica, I see you and Carl are having fun, may I join in?", Bonnie asked, Chica smiled and answered, "Sure thing, come", Chica said, she left Carl on the floor, and gave him food and water just in case he's hungry, and she left him his toys, she then left to their room, "Chica what are you doing?", Bonnie asked in confusion, "You wanted to have fun with me, so come", Chica said. Bonnie then followed her to their room, when they got in, Chica pulled him in bed, Bonnie surprised and blushing, a lot. He looked at Chica who is also blushing, she pushed him on the bed, putting herself on him, "Chica w-what are you....", Bonnie was cut out by Chica placing her finger on his lips, "Relax Bonnie, just relax", Chica said, then she started................. (Ok for some reason, I can't write this for young readers out there, so let's just say, they did something they weren't supposed to do at there age).
Meanwhile with Freddy and Dianne, they had lemonade at the park, they talked a lot about each other learning more about each other, "Hey Dianne, I have a question?", Freddy asked her, "Sure Freddy, what's up?", Dianne asked. "Why did you think Betty suggested me to hang out with you?", Freddy asked her, Dianne started to panic, she didn't understand, but at the same time, she started to worry, "Maybe the only single person she can think about is me?", Dianne answered, trying to get Freddy out of the question, which failed, "Dianne, come on, you can tell me, we are friends now right?", Freddy told her, Dianne still panicked, then she left the park, leaving Freddy on the bench, "Dianne, wait!", Freddy said, Dianne just left, "What did I do?", Freddy though.
Meanwhile, Bonnie and Chica stopped what ever there doing, they got cleaned and dressed and left, it was pretty satisfying for them, hoping they won't receive a bad consequence, then they continue to their daily schedule.
Two months went by, nothing changed, except Dianne starting to ignore Freddy, Tochi and Chica were shopping, then Chica felt like she was sick, Tochi noticed and took her to the hospital for a while, she had been vomiting and always craving for some kind of food, the doctor came in, "Sir, is she ok?", Tochi asked, the doctor checked his check board and told her to do somethings, "Ms. Chicken, here take this and let your sister use this, here are the instructions on how to use these as well", the doctor stated, he gave Tochi a some kind of mechanism, "Oh and give it to me, when your sister has finished using it", then the doctor left, Tochi came into the room where Chica is, she told her to use what the doctor had said, Chica used it then came back, Tochi placed it in a container and gave it to the doctor, the doctor came back with the results, "Ms. Chica Chicken, you are pregnant".

Author's Note
I finally sort the thing that made me make this story in the first place, Sorry for Lemons, I haven't made a story that contains lemons before, this is a first.

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