Chapter Five: Chicks and Bunnies part 2

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Chapter Five Chicks and Bunnies part 2

Bonnie looked at his room, it has a queen bed enough for two with two side tables with lamps on them, I huge closet enough for storage and a great hiding spot, and the view from the room is amazing. "Wow!", Bonnie said with amazement. Chica saw how amazed Bonnie is, "Do you like it?", Chica was scared because she does not want her friends to think bad of her. Bonnie hearing the question, the only thing that can come out of his mouth is, "Like it? I love it!", then hugging Chica afterwards. Chica blushed from the hug, it was rare for her to hug or be hugged by a guy. Bonnie blushed after he noticed he hugged her, "Oh, sorry", Bonnie said with disappointment. Chica seemed to noticed his blushing and hugged him back, "It's okay, friends hug all the time", Bonnie heard Chica said 'friends' which made him sad in the inside, but still kept a smile on his face. "Oh no dinner!", Chica said as she rushed downstairs to check on the food, it still seemed good, and ready. She called everyone downstairs and they all had dinner, it was delicious then they watched tv. T-bone noticed it was 9:00 pm already, "Guys, we should sleep", they all agreed and went to their rooms, T-bone and Tochi went into one room, while Chica and Bonnie went into separate rooms, then they slept. The end (JK)

Chica woke up from a horrible nightmare. She knew sleeping in a room alone will give her nightmares so she used her sisters advice to go into one of their rooms.

Chica Pov.

I knew nightmares will come, time to use Tochi's advice. Wait, I can't go to Tochi and
T-bone's room. What if they're.............never-mine, wait Bonnie, maybe I can stay with him, he has always protected me. I knocked on the door and went in, Bonnie seemed to be sleeping. I went towards Bonnie, woke him up and said "Hey Bonnie are you awake?", I asked, he woke up surprised at my appearance. "Chica, what are you doing here?!", he yelled at me, I shouldn't have snuck into his room like this. "I had a nightmare, do you mind if I stay here", I said, he blushed and stayed silent. He looked so cute when he blushed. Then he finally spoke up, "Sure, I don't mind", I smiled and went into bed next to him, I saw him blushed as a slept beside him. I knew he was uncomfortable with this, "If you don't want me here you could just say so", I said making him start to panic. "No no, it's not like that, I don't mind", he said. I thought to myself how awkward this is, especially when we slept. I woke up seeing arms wrapped around me, these arms are Bonnie's. Then I saw him wake up, he blushed "Oh sorry, how sorry of me, I never meant to hug you, just umm......", Bonnie was disappointed to himself, looking down. I never wanted to hurt anyone and though I know some couples do this, I can see that he likes someone in the pizzeria and he's disappointed that he hugged me and not her. Well I'm not into anyone at the moment, so I wish him good luck. "Hey it's okay, you didn't mean to do it, besides we're friends and we forgive each other", I said trying to comfort him. "Really?", he said looking at me, "Really ", I replied. End of POV.

Tochi's Pov.

I woke up seeing T-bone still asleep, I kissed him on the forehead and went to check on Chica. I opened the door to Chica's room, and to see she's not their. Where could she have gone? I looked into Bonnie's room and saw Chica and Bonnie on the same bed, I went in, "Well well, what have we got here?", I said making the two blushed. Chica spoke up and said, "I went here for I had a nightmare and I couldn't go to your room to stay so I went to Bonnie's, and he let me sleep here", I understand it all. "Hey Chica, I think you should make breakfast, we have to go to work today", I said as she forgot and left the room to make breakfast. I walked towards Bonnie, "Congrats, sooner or later you will win her heart", I said making him blush. "You know she is not interested in me, she's into Foxy", Bonnie said making me confused. "Bonnie what are you talking about, Foxy rejected her, she's over him", I said. Bonnie seemed surprised, "Really?", he said making me giggle. "Of course, there is a reason why she is not staring at him anymore", I said, Bonnie smiled and went downstairs. T-bone woke up and we all had breakfast. We were on our way to the pizzeria but we took T-bone's car and drove their. End of Pov.

On their way to the pizzeria, they each got a text from Goldie.
'Hey guys, some good news, a surprise and addition to the pizzeria, come here before the pizzeria opens'

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