Chapter Twenty Two:A Couple never meant to be

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Chapter Twenty Two A Couple never meant to be

Bonnie, T-bone, Chica, Tochi, Betty and Tori were going home, enough room was given at the house, Chica cooked dinner. Then they changed into their PJs and went into their rooms. Carl also followed and explored each and every other room, and endin in Bonnie and Chica's room.

Tori POV.
My sister, Betty was acting quite happy during dinner, I walked towards her asking, "Hey Betty what's up with you, you seemed happy all night?", she jumped out of bed hugging me and laughing, "Tori, Freddy asked me out, and we had our first kiss", Betty said to me, I congratulated her, "So when's the date?", I asked. "Tommorow night, awesome right", she told me, "Yes, it's awesome". Then after that, we went to sleep. End of POV.

Morning came, they were ready to go to the Pizzeria, Betty told the rest of the household, everyone smiled and congratulated her, Chica made breakfast, but this tim Tochi helping her, using the new cookbook given on her bday. Then T-bone drove them to work, it was so crowded now, but the pizzeria was still big enough for a lot of workers. Time went by and Freddy and Betty had their date, Freddy took her to an amazing restaurant, filled with amazing food, Freddy and Betty took their seats and chatted while waiting for their food.

Dianne POV.
Tonight it was my turn to get dinner, I chose our favorite restaurant, as I walked in to get our take out, I saw Freddy and Betty having their date here, how happy they look. I may feel envy right now, but I didn't let it take over me, so while waiting for my food, I decided to say hello, "Hello Freddy, Betty", I said, they stopped talking for a moment to talk to me, "Oh hey Dianne, why are you here", asked Freddy. "Well, this is where the Lynx, my brother and I have our favorite food, so I'm ordering take out", I told them. Then the lady in front called me for my food's ready, "So have a good date", I greeted them then left, when I left I saw how happy they were, I do love Freddy, but can he love me back.

Freddy POV.
Betty and I were having an amazing date, but when we were at the park for a stroll, it didn't go so well, "So Freddy, wanna stay at your place, you know like watch a movie", she asked me, I knew exactly what she meant when she said 'Watch a movie', "Sorry Betty, just our first date, maybe next time", I told her, but she then touched my chest begging still, "Come on Fazbear, why not", she asked. I removed her hand off my chest, "Listen Bunny, I'm not a pervert, and I have no interest in sleeping with you", I told her, "Fine then Fazbear, you are not what I expected", she told me, "Then respect that", I told her back. She got mad at me, "Ok then Fazbear, then we are not meant to be, how about you hang out with that mutt", she told me, I was confused but, "Fine Bunny, by the way say hi to your brother for me". Then she left with her car, I walked home, as I walked home, I thought on what she meant, "Mutt?".

Author's Note
I know this love is quicker than expected, but know most of the other chapters will have something mature in them, so please now rated 13+, but if you don't care and know how to respect the mature scenes, then you may continue reading.

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