Chapter Seventeen: The Chicks Birthday

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Chapter Seventeen The Chicks Birthday

Chica's POV
It's my birthday! This will be awesome, none of my friends ever forget my birthday, I'm turning 22. I got out of bed, wore my favorite t-shirt and jeans and ran to the dining area, noticing my big sis cooking instead of me, "Good Morning sis, Happy Birthday", she said with a smile. She'll give me a great birthday, then after she made breakfast, T-bone walked into the dining area, he gave a kiss to Tochi, then greeted me, "Happy Birthday Chica", I smiled. Then I felt a hand around me, it was Bonnie's, he kissed then greeted me as well, "Happy Birthday Honey". I smiled and thanked him, "Your party will be at the pizzeria later at 4:00", T-bone said to me, to inform me about the party. "Um.. Chica, I'll be back", Bonnie said giving me a kiss, then he left the house, I wonder where's he going. "Come on Chichi, let's find your birthday present from me, one thing I know, I don't know what to give you, so let's go shopping", Tochi said, I change my outfit for shopping then me and Tochi left for the mall. But still, why is Bonnie leaving so early, every time I call him, he keeps saying he's busy, I'm worried.

Dianne POV
The Lynx, my brother and I went shopping for Chica's gift. We went through different stores and found four gifts, perfect for Chica.

Freddy POV
Freto and I went to the bakery, to find the perfect batch of cupcakes for Chica, then we found her favorite flavor, banana cupcake with strawberry frosting.

Mangle POV
Foxy and I split up, he went looking for mittens for her, while I look for an apron or bib, BB picked the right one for her, I agreed with him.

Bonnie POV
I went to the store, looking for the right one to chose, that one is too fat and lazy, that one is too ruff and playful, but in the middle of deciding, T-bone called me he said, "Bonnie, quickly chose one, the party is in 30 mins.", he said, I panicked, but at the right moment, I found the right one, I bought it and drove to the pizzeria.

Goldie POV
I got the cake, it's a recreation of Chica's bib into a cake. Then everyone came in, ready for the party, even children are here to celebrate her birthday. When Chica came, I greeted her, "Happy Birthday Chichi".
End of all POV

Chica's birthday party started, children greeted her with a happy birthday, then after that, the children watch the gift giving. Dianne gave first, she gave her a little chicken plushie, Chica smiled and hugged the plushie, one of the kids borrowed it. Then Dan gave her a chef's hat, it fitted her perfectly, Chica is very happy. Chica looked around, Bonnie was not here yet, she got worried, then Lynka gave her a new dress, yellow and pretty as ever, "Thanks, I'll wear this every Easter", Chica said, making Lynka happy to hear she liked her gift. Lukas gave her a cook book, full of a lot of recipes, Chica read the book, it had all new recipes she never learned and cooked before. Freddy and Freto gave her the box of her favorite cupcakes, Chica wanted to have one, but Tochi stopped her. Foxy gave me new mittens for cooking, and Mangle gave me a new apron, it had pizzas on it and says 'Have some Pizzas'. Chica tried it on and wore it for the entire party, she found out BB chose the apron, she thanked him. T-bone gave Chica a camera, he saw how much Chica loved nature, and he gave her that to keep the memories of nature around her. Tochi bought her shoes, her style, orange and full of stripes. Goldie gave Chica the cake, Chica never saw how thoughtful Goldie could be she thanked him, kids got slices. Though the opening of presents are over, Bonnie came just in time, "Wait, Chica", Bonnie said as he ran inside with a small carrier in his hand. "Bonnie?", She asked, then Chica ran to Bonnie, hugging him, "I thought you forgot me". "Chica, I'll never forget you, remember, the bunny will always come back", Bonnie said, giving her a kiss, most kids awed, some others almost barfed. Then Bonnie held her hands, "Happy Birthday Chick, here's your present", Bonnie said as he gave her the carrier, Chica got the carrier and opened the locked door. Chica opened it, a puppy was seen, it was brown, it came with clothes, he had a pink shirt. "Oh my god, a puppy, thanks Bonnie", Chica said hugging it, she put it on the ground, kids started playing with him, "What will you name him?", Bonnie asked. Chica thought for a moment, he reminded her like cupcakes on his appearance, "Carl", she said, "Pardon?", Bonnie asked in confusion, "Carl, his name is Carl", Chica finally chosen. "Carl".

Authors Note:
Chica's birthday was great, Carl is here, listen Carl is like Carl the cupcake. Except a puppy, Dianne x Secret Crush might happen soon, I guess, and we'll have new friends, I don't know if they are considered OC or not, but they are part of the FNaF community.
Aka. Female Bonnie and Female T-bone or Betty and Tori.

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