Chapter Twenty One: Let's get this over with

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Chapter Twenty One Let's get this over with

Marion came in walking with the Musical Family, not as big as the Fazbear Family, but proud. "Meet Kara Lynx, Liam Lynx, Dina Lynx, Warren Wolf and JJ", Marion said, the Fazbear Family introduced themselves to them. Then after that, the pizzeria closed for a while, to take business with the Musical Family, "Three bands, that will be a problem", Goldie said, "Mr. Fazbear, what's wrong?", JJ asked Goldie. "Oh listen JJ, we now have three band, that equals four shows, then Five activities, I don't our schedule can put up to this", Goldie said. "Maybe I can be of assistance", a voice said, Goldie recognized that voice anywhere, "Citrine", he said, Citrine came in the pizzeria, she hugged Goldie. "I though you were at college", Goldie said, Citrine laughed, "Goldie, I skipped two levels of college, now I apparently need a job", she said giving Goldie a kiss. "Oh I forgot, may I introduce Citrine Fox, cousins with Foxy and Mangle", Goldie said, then Lynka and Dianne went out of the ladies bathroom, they looked at the crowd of people, "Kara, Liam?!", Lynka said with surprise, Lukas was with Dan and BB then heard their names, "Liam?!", Lukas screamed, the twins came hugging them, they hugged back. "Dianne come on, just one hug?", Dina said, "Not that I'm interested", Dianne said, she avoided Dina, "Come on, don't ignore your cousin", Dina said. Everyone was in shock, "Cousins?!", Everyone except Lynka, Lukas, Kara, Liam, Dina and Dianne. "Oh I forgot to tell you, we are all cousins", said Lynka pointing at the other Lynx twins. "Wow, I can see more people coming to our family, but still and always after Easter, and more than ever!", said Goldie. Then after the entire and full introduction of everyone in the family, they speak about business, Citrine worked on some things for when she was in college, she took the business course, she learned a lot about running a business. Everything was great in the business now that more people came to the party. Then one thing after that, this happened, "Hey Betty?", asked Freddy, "Yeah Freddy?", "Umm, can I ask, do you wanna go out?", Freddy asked, Betty kissed him then said, "Off-course honey bear", she said, they were officially a couple, another after Easter, but Dianne was watching the entire thing, then went home weeping.

Finally, sorry if not great, I didn't think this chapter through, because I was focusing on I am not so bad Afterall, it is another story I'm writing. Btw, Citrine is an OC from my previous story called Goldie's mistake, which I delete and change her backstory a bit, for she was the daughter of Foxy and Chica, but because I know ship Chonnie and that it will be weird, I made her his cousin, and btw Goldie and Citrine were together before in the other story and before the timeline of the start of the story.

Easter Love (Bonnie x Chica)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz