Chapter Nineteen: Jealousy

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Chapter Nineteen Jealousy ( OC POV)

Dianne wept for a moment, she knew they would become a couple. Her eyes filled with rage and her heart full of envy, but she knew it would be wrong, so she pretended to not be jealous. "Hey Dianne, let's go", called out Lynka, "Coming!", Dianne answered as she left the bathroom. "Great day, right Dianne, Dianne?", Lynka noticed the sadness in Dianne's eyes, "Oh.... yeah, it was great", she said, still with a sad tone. "Dianne, what's wrong, and don't say nothing, I can tell that there's something", Lynka said, then she was surprised at Dianne hugging her, crying on her shoulder. "Lynka, I fell in love with someone who likes someone else, I can't confess to him now, we didn't even become close friends, what should I do?", Dianne cried, Lynka who is comforting her best friend, cheered her up, "Hey, Dianne, cheer up, maybe he'll notice you someday". "And if not?", Dianne asked, Lynka smiled " Then I should show your boss, whose boss", she said, it's kinda funny for Dianne, so she laughed. Their brothers were talking about some weird stuff, then they went home and went to sleep, but even though. Dianne will still have feelings for him.
Morning came Lynka woke up with a feeling in her stomach, "Time for breakfast", she said as she left bed, she put her robe on and went into the kitchen, she made eggs and bacon. Dianne woke up a little later, she looked as tired as ever, "Good Morning sleepy head, breakfast is ready, oh and eat it quick, we don't want to be late", Lynka said, Dianne ate breakfast and made coffee for herself, Lukas woke up. "Good Morning guys, Lynka what's for breakfast?", Lukas asked, "Eggs and Bacon!", Lynka said, Lukas got on the table and ate it up, then he had water afterward. Then Lynka sat down after putting Dan's food on his part of the table, Dan woke up and got on his chair, he ate the meal and was given orange juice afterwards. Then they all got into their rooms to change, meanwhile after Dianne changed, she thought for a moment about Freddy and the bunny. She saw how cute they were together, then she knew to support him, even though, she still had a bit of love for Freddy, even though he's with someone else. Then Lynka called her then they left to work, at work, they saw BB there, he had a important yet fun job, he gave balloons to the other children, BB enjoyed the smiles of children. Mangle was proud of her son in helping in the family business, Dianne saw the new girls, Betty and Tori. She greeted them, hoping to become friends with them, then she saw Freddy, she looked at him for a moment, he waved, she waved back, then she went to work. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get him of her mind, but she still focused on her work. Then Dianne noticed just now, summer is ending soon.

Author's Note
Now, Dianne likes Freddy, Dan has school, and now you see the perspective of the OCs. I try to make things, interesting, but idk okay, it's harder than you think. 😲

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