Stalker Tag

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Okay. Everyone does this, and so I thought.... Why not? But.... This one is different, and short.

Name: Kyla
Age: You really don't need 2 know.
Country: Australia
Address: I'm not that stupid, I've heard of Cybersafety!
Eyes: Blue... Everyone does this, but everyone knows that no one actually cares.
Hair: Long-ish, curly, golden-brown....
Height: 153cm
Fandoms: Don't get me started, we'll be here all day!
Sports: Calisthenics (dancing), Tennis, Athletics, and I play football (Aussie Rules, so, AFL, Americans will have no idea) with friends on the weekends, and I love swimming, and want to start it as a sport, soon.
Status: Dead! Well, no. Duh!
Artistic talents: Ask me to draw a straight line. You will notice that I'm artistically challenged.
Friends: EVERYONE! Except a whole bunch of people I hate!

WELL. Goodbye young stalkers.

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