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Leo Valdez updated his status:
Hotdogs for lunch, guys!
Nico di Angelo: Yes, hotdogs!!!
Frank Zhang: Camp Jupiter has waaaayyyyyy better food!
Leo Valdez: You wish!
Annabeth Chase: Leo, I'm with Frank on this one.
Leo Valdez: Betrayed by a Greek!!! *faints*
Annabeth Chase: *eyeroll*
Connor Stoll: So you can eyeroll and we can't?!?
Annabeth Chase: Yes.
Travis Stoll: Not fair!
Piper McLean updated his status:
We just ate the hotdogs, they were good!
Hazel Levesque: Why do you guys keep telling us about your lunch!
Jason Grace: 'cause it was good!
Frank Zhang: Not you too!
Leo Valdez: But, they do rock!!! Hotdogs, I mean.
Hazel Leveque: Um, why?
Leo Valdez: Duh. They're hotdogs!!!
Percy Jackson: I wonder what it's like to be a hotdog. . .
Annabeth Chase: . . .
Jason Grace: . . .
Hazel Levesque: . . .
Frank Zhang: . . .
Nico di Angelo: da heck?
Percy Jackson: Haven't you always wanted to know what it's like?
Annabeth Chase: Not really. . .
Leo Valdez: YES!!!
Annabeth Chase: *facepalm*
Annabeth Chase: Wow, I find myself doing that a lot.
Leo Valdez: Hey, Hazel, could you turn us into hotdogs with your whole magic gig?
Percy Jackson: YES YES YES!!! COULD YOU HAZEL!!!
Hazel Levesque: No.
Percy Jackson: :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
Leo Valdez: My new oath. I swear, on the River Styx, that I will try to discover how to be a hotdog!
Percy Jackson: Me too!
Thalia Grace: Guys, that's a serious oath, especially for becoming a hotdog
Percy Jackson:
1) We didn't say it, we typed it, so it doesn't technically count.
2) If it did count, Leo said try, and try we will.
3) Were you bagging our wish to become a hotdog?
4) I think you were because you put becoming a hotdog in italics and said especially!!!
5) Bagging hotdog-ism is a crime punishable by death!
Leo Valdez: YEAH!!!
Thalia Grace: Wow, okay. And are you saying you are going to try to kill me.
Percy Jackson: I don't like the use of the word try, but no. I would kill some people. Not you, though.
Thalia Grace: But try is the correct term!
Percy Jackson: -_-
Leo Valdez: Me and Percy are in the hotdog club! Anyone else want to join?
Annabeth Chase logged off
Jason Grace logged off
Nico do Angelo logged off
Thalia Grace logged off
Piper McLean logged off
Frank Zhang logged off
Hazel Levesque logged off
Travis Stoll logged off
Connor Stoll logged off
Leo Valdez updated his status:
A simple no would have worked!
Percy Jackson: They are sooo rude!!!
Percy Jackson logged off
Leo Valdez logged off

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