Percy Jackson vs Albus Dumbledore

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Annabeth Chase updated her status:
Percy and I just finished watching Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince! Dumbledore's death was so sad!!!
Leo Valdez: Spoiler alert! I am only up to reading book 5!
Jason Grace: You read?
Piper McLean: O_o
Leo Valdez: Yeah!
Piper McLean: O_o
Percy Jackson: Dude, it was sooo obvious. Wise, bearded dude had to die!
Annabeth Chase: Don't bag him! It was unexpected! And he is more powerful than you!
Percy Jackson: No chance!
Hazel Levesque: There is no way you could beat him Percy!
Leo Valdez: Percy may not be able to, but this McShizzle could!!!
Jason Grace: Sorry, Leo. But no. Neither of you could beat Dumbledore!!!
Frank Zhang: Nah. Percy could beat Dumbledore!
Leo Valdez: What 'bout me?!?
Frank Zhang: Nah. You'd lose.
Leo Valdez: -_-
Leo Valdez: Whale!!!
Annabeth Chase: How could you beat him?
Percy Jackson: Um. Run up to him and chop his head off?
Thalia Grace: He could just use Avada Kedavra!
Percy Jackson: Okay. No.
1) I could dodge. I am awesome at dodging!
2) Dumbledore would never use an Unforgivable Curse!
Grover Underwood: True.
Annabeth Chase: Hey, Grover! And although that is true, Dumbledore could use the water powers he used on Voldemort in the Order of the Phoenix, which scared even Voldemort.
Leo Valdez: Again. Spoiler alert!
Annabeth Chase: Sorry.
Percy Jackson: Well, I am the son of Poseidon. I could repel the water straight back and be all, oh, yeah!!!
Leo Valdez: And then I could jump in with my fire gig!
Percy Jackson: This is about how I can beat him, Leo.
Leo Valdez: :(
Leo Valdez logged off
Annabeth Chase updated her status:
I was reading a spell guide of the world of Harry Potter.
Jason Grace: Of course you were.
Annabeth Chase: I'll just pretend you didn't say that.
Jason Grace: Works for me! :)
Annabeth Chase: . . . Anyway. Dumbledore could either turn you to stone, or use expelliarmus, which would take away your sword, leaving you without a weapon.
Percy Jackson: Riptide reappears in my pocket!
Annabeth Chase: Yes. But would it reappear within the small amount of seconds that it would take for Dumbledore to turn you to stone?
Percy Jackson: He would be beheaded by then so we don't have to worry
Percy Jackson: Look. I defeated an immortal Titan. A mortal doesn't worry me.
Hazel Levesque: Yeah. But still.
Percy Jackson: Well, he had magic!
Hazel Levesque: Technically you didn't beat him. You agreed to let him stab himself.
Percy Jackson: That was beating him! And I had to beat, like, millions of bad guys to get to that point!
Annabeth Chase: Okay. But you wouldn't beat Dumbledore. He is the most powerful wizard!
Percy Jackson: He was killed by Snape.
Annabeth Chase: Yes, but if was arranged and agreed to.
Percy Jackson: Well, I won't have to worry about fighting Dumbledore, considering he is dead, and fictional.
Annabeth Chase: No. Just realised you would lose.
Percy Jackson: I WOULD WIN!!!
Percy Jackson logged off
Jason Grace updated his status:
Gee, just a small comment really started something big.

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