twenty two : songs, sweaters, stars, snuggles, and smooches

Start from the beginning

"Do all of you want one more?" he asked, his eyes scanning the crowd with a shy, small smirk. People cheered once more.

"Okay... well, um, this is a song I wrote..." He got the guitar ready.

"This was written for a special someone..." he mumbled, quickly looking at me and then at the ground. I found my mom across the room looking back and forth at me and Salem, smiling and bouncing her brows. I blushed and I air-swatted at her, mouthing "MOM" embarrassed.

Our scene was cut with simple strikes from the guitar. Before he began singing, he shortly announced the title of his song which gave me a guilty feeling in my gut.

"This song is called Silent Treatment" and I had my ears ready to hear what he had to sing about me. About him. About us.

[ok hold up i'd put up the actual lyrics that i actually wrote (which i actually made into a song-w/ the music & everything) but i'm afraid that since i haven't copyrighted it, someone might steal it from me. so... sorry. ok back to the story]

That. Was. Beautiful. It was brilliant. Even if it really punched me in the gut, the pain wasn't hard to pretend it wasn't there.

But none the less, all of this was such an unintentional present for me from him and I wanted to return the favor. I needed to. I sat there pondering o the perfect present to give him for Christmas.

Then I got it. I stood from my seat and quickly walked to my mom, who was saying her goodbyes to the guests that were leaving.

"Um... Mom?"

"Yeah, Bee?"

"Can you, um..." I was awkwardly rubbing the back of my head, "tell Salem that his performance was one of the most greatest Christmas gifts ever?"

"Why don't you tell him?" my mom laughed, her hand ruffling my hair. I rolled my eyes with a smug grin on my face.

"Because," I looked both ways before bending a bit forward to whisper, "I'm going to set up my Christmas gift for him."

My mom raised her eyebrows at me, in an impressing power.

"Can you, like, stall him from going up to my bedroom so I can set up?" I asked. If I wanted something, I would always ask my mom with a pout and puppy dog eyes but this time, it was personal.

"Sure, honey!"

I sighed in relief and gave my mom a hug and a kiss before running up the stairs. I was much more relaxed now that I didn't have to worry about Salem walking in while I was preparing his present.

When I entered my room, I quickly opened my closet door and started working.

Salem's PoV:

After my performance, it was pretty late in the evening and everyone was eventually leaving. They were thanking the Stag family for inviting them and I was by the door, thanking them for coming. To my surprise, every guest granted me compliments on my performance-some telling me I had the potential of being the next pop star. I could only smile and snicker.

Everyone finally left. As I was about to shut the door, I heard a struggled sigh and found my mom carrying a sleeping little bo Peep in her arms towards the door.

"Mom, I've got her," as I stepped forward and swung my arms under my little sister, carrying her carefully.

"Where are you going?"

"Home," my mom answered easily. She was picking through her purse, trying to find her keys for the car.


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