Chapter 3 - Prom Date

Start from the beginning

There were a lot more words but I just looked at the big words which wrote 'Talent Show'. I wanted to join oh, so badly, but I know we wouldn't have enough members to form a band.  

"I know what you're thinking, Chel." 

"And that is?" Zone asked full of curiousity. 

"Zone, curiousity killed the cat." I winked at him before turning my attention to the front when a boy I've never seen before walked towards us. 

"Could you guys show me where the principal office is?" I smiled at him and showed him the direction. Kim was staring at me with a grin.


"There's definitely something about that guy that makes you smile that sweet."

"No, there's not. By the way, we totally need to get to class now."


I came out of Chem and saw Emerald. She was walking away from Zone. I was glaring at her when I noticed something. I walked towards Zone and he was definitely paralyzed.

"Zone! Snap out of your thoughts and tell me what happened!"

"Ahhhh..." Zone said in a sweet way but not for me it is.

I couldn't stand it so I slapped him in the face. When he stared wide-eyed at me, I asked him again but more softer.

"Zone, what happened?"

"Emerald asked me to the prom!" Zone shouted into my ears. I kind of heard my heart crack a bit but shook the feeling off. There was no way I'm falling for Zone. 

"Oh, good luck then." I smiled and walked off. 

I walked into the cafeteria to find Kim sitting alone.

"Hey, Cheryl. You okay? You don't look okay."

"Yeahh, I'm fine." Zone walked towards our table. 

"Oh talking about okay, you okay? This question is for the dance and Kim has Adrian, I have Emerald, who do u have?" Zone suddenly said.

"Why are you even here? Shouldn't you be sitting with the populars?"

"Didn't feel like sitting with people who gossips a lot, you know? And you guys aren't nerds or losers, so why not?"

I was about to answer him when he continued, "Don't change the topic, Cheryl. Now, answer me."

"I will go with me, myself and I."

"Wow, what a scandalist you are, trying to go with me, myself and I" Zone shook his head. I laughed at the joke and decided to go take food. By the time I came back, Zone's best friend Richard was sitting beside Zone, so I sat beside Kim.

"Hey, Richard." I said to him. He had a shocked look on his face.

"You know my name?"

"Why not? You're a popular." I laughed a bit.

I was waiting for Richard to respond to me but he didn't. He opened his mouth but closed it back, so I decided to just ask him.

"What do you wanna say, Richard?"

"Yeah, man. You didn't want to tell me."

"Actually, I wanted to ask Cheryl something."

Zone gave him a confused look but said nothing. We were all waiting for Richard to ask. I was staring at him and I actually realized he had electric green eyes. They were beautiful, but the blue eyes I saw this morning was much more mesmerizing. 

"Actually, I was wondering if you could be my date to the prom? I know it's a bit weird for me to ask you this, but I was going to ask a special someone, but she was already going with someone else. So, I decided to ask you." He smiled sheepishly.

"Ummm... I need to think about it, Richard. How about, you try asking some other girls which you might have an interest in? If you really couldn't find one, then I'll go with you." I smiled at him.

"Okay then." And Richard walked away.

I was almost done with my food when I realized Zone was silent the whole time.

"Zone you okay?" 

"Sure," but he didn't look at me.

I looked at Kim hoping for an answer but she shook her head.


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