"That's what I was forgetting." He said the same time Niall asked. "Clothes? What clothes?" and Liam turned to face him.

"Clothes for tomorrow. Traditional ones." Niall made an 'Oh' sound before grinning.

"When will I get to see it?" He asked and I went towards the kitchen, fetching myself some water. "I'm going to drop the girls at her place tonight. She said she'll hand it to me then."

Niall just nodded while Simon gestured towards the album. "What is that?" I placed it on the counter and took a long gulp of water before closing the bottle.

"Memories. Mine and Tahira's." As soon as I said that, I got crowded by the two bandmates.

"Can we see, please!?" They both asked while Simon chuckled and walked over to us. "Yes, Harry. Show us." I sighed before opening the album.

"Awe." Niall said as he saw the first picture and a new voice called out. "What are you looking at?"

"Harry and Tahira as kids!" Liam said and the girls rushed towards us, Louis slowly (slower than them but still fast) came towards us and crowded us even more. "Awe!" The girls said and I rolled by eyes before flipping the page, recieving another 'Awe' from the girls.

The whole album went on like that. By the time we were able to finish, it was already five o' clock. "You two were so cute!" Eleanor said and Sophia nodded in agreement. "I think they still are, El." Sophia said and I looked down at the last photo of us to avoid them seeing my faint red cheeks.

I cleared my throat and looked at the girl.s "Don't you have to get ready?" I asked and they nodded.

"Yup. We'll go get ready in a while." Eleanor said and I nodded.

"Tahira said don't wear full sleeves if you want a long design and don't wear shorts."

They looked at me confused but then nodded, knowing that Tahira knew better in this matter.

"Harry, we're ready to go." Sophia said as they came out of their rooms. At the same time my phone beeped showing a message from Tahira.

From Tahira:

The woman who does the mehndi has arrived. How much time will it take for you to come here?

To Tahira:

The girls are ready. We'll be there in fifteen. You get started till then.

From Tahira:


"Harry?" Louis asked and I looked up to see everyone staring at me weirdly. "What?" I asked.

"I've been calling you. Was that Tahira?" Eleanor asked and I nodded.

"Sorry. But yes, it was her. She's saying that the woman who will do the henna tattoos has arrived." I said and the girls nodded. "Let's go then." Eleanor said and I nodded before we headed out.

"Hey, Omar." I said as he opened the door and smiled at me (we made up after the interview).

"Hello, Harry. You must be Eleanor and Sophia. Tahira hasn't stopped talking about you." Omar said but like Tahira, he didn't look at them. "Come in, please."

They greeted Omar and went inside as he stepped away and he raised an eyebrow at me. "Aren't you coming in?" Omar asked.

"What? No, I just came to drop them off." I said and he shook his head. "If they need help I won't be able to assist them properly. You have to stay."

I sighed. "Alright." I sent Liam the message before following Omar inside the house.

To Liam:

Got to stay back to help the girls. Don't let Louis and Niall make a mess of the flat.

In the living room, the two long couches was occupied by the girls and a woman who looked like she was in her mid-thirties. She, unlike Sara and Tahira wasn't wearing a hijab but was happily chatting with Tahira as she got her henna tattoo done from a silver shiny paper cone.

"Hi, Harry." Sara said when she saw me standing there. Eleanor raised an eyebrow at me but I shook my head and smiled at Sara. "Hi, Sara. How've you been?" I asked and took a seat on the free couch while Omar took the empty space beside Sara. "I've been fine. What about you?

"I've been good too." I said grinning.

"Wow, yours looks so beautiful, Tahira." Sophia said and the lady and Tahira smiled. "Thanks." She replied and Sophia looked at me. "Harry, come see this!"

"I will but later." I said and Tahira smiled at nothing. At the moment my phone beeped again signalling a text from Liam.

From Liam:

Okay. They can't do much. Simon is also watching them with me.

It was fifteen minutes later that Tahira's hands were done but she surprised me when she offered her back hand to the woman, who took it by the tip of the index finger and started designing again. "You're getting it done at the back as well?" Eleanor asked and Tahira nodded. "Yeah. I always get it done at the back as well."

An hour later, Sophia was the only one left to be done as she wanted a long one. Eleanor had gone for an old style one rather than getting something similar to that of Tahira and Sophia. I was honestly very bored right now since I had nothing to do or could do for that matter.

"Hey." Tahira said as she came and sat near me as much as the other couch allowed.

"Hey." I said and Tahira showed me her hands. "What do you think?" She asked and I studied them carefully before grinning.

"Beautiful." I said and she blushed.


AN: I was going to make this chapter longer but I'm mentally exhausted from the rumours that went on yesterday. The person who threatened Harry is banned from the stadium and tweeted that she did that as a joke. Please share the news to people who still don't know this or are confused on the matter so that people don't freak out much. Comment, Vote and Follow :)

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