Chapter 4: Adjustation

Start from the beginning

"Juliette, I'm sorry" He apologised again, taking my ignorance as obliviousness, staring intently into my eyes as I refused to hold eye contact with him, staring down at the books I was holding instead.

"You should be" I muttered, attempting to lighten the mood, and distract him from what had happened moments ago. "That hurt like a bitch" I chuckled nervously, rubbing my arm slightly

"No not about that" he muttered, shaking his head before I watched his eyes widen "wait shit, I hurt you? Fuck" he nervously continued. It was quite clear he had never been in a situation like this before and I felt guilty that I had put him in a position like so, but in my defence he was oh so stubborn in following me to the point of me actually attempting to avoid him.

I mean who does that?

"I wanted to apologise for what happened in the classroom today" he continued, slowly and nervously as if the wrong thing said could send me running the opposite direction. As if I were a ticking time bomb.

I honestly began to loathe the current situation I was forced to endure. Throughout the past few years of my life I was used to the handful of people who were aware of my conditions to treat me as if I was the most fragile thing on earth. I hated that people felt that it was essential in being extra careful around me, as if it were the most important thing in the world that I was made happy and that I was left in the dark about every problematic matter. I had realised yesterday that I enjoyed being able to talk to someone, annoying as they may be, freely. Levi had treated me somewhat as a real human, instead of fine china. He made me comfortable, and despite the fact that I began to get extremely frustrated at his relentless flirting, deep down I knew I preferred that to everything else that was currently happening in my life. "I shouldn't have made you uncomfortable enough for you to literally run out of the room to avoid me" he chuckled, although the humour failed to reach his eyes as it had moments ago.

"You know that wasn't the reason" I muttered bitterly, I was aware of the fact that he knew I wasn't just trying to avoid him. I knew that he was doing what everybody else in my life had been doing for what felt like forever. He was walking around me instead of towards me.

And that honestly made me furious.

"Hey, I hate this more than you do" he smiled defensively, and for the first time within this conversation, it actually looked real. "I mean, how many guys can say that a girl was so repulsed by them that he made them run out of the classroom in order to avoid sitting besides him" he chuckled. I finally allowed myself to lift up my head and meet his dark blue eyes. Within those eyes I saw in him something I had never seen in anybody; understanding. I wasn't able to pinpoint what he understood about me, but he wasn't speaking to me as if I was broken, despite my previous assumption. He was speaking to me as if I were human. As if I were normal.

And I was immensely grateful.

"I-" I began, taking a deep breath before continuing "I need to go" I continued, forcing a smile on my face, turning around heading towards the nurses office. I was 100% sure he realised I wasn't heading towards the library right now, but I felt a huge sense of relief knowing that he wasn't going to call me out on it.

"Wait!" He called behind me as I began walking away, sighing as I came to a halt.

I paused, waiting for him to continue talking, but not turning around, not making any eye contact with him.

"You're good at history and English right?" He questioned, causing me to turn around and raise an eyebrow.

"Is this gonna be another pickup line?" I asked, smiling half-heartedly

"Depends, will speaking nerdy to you turn you on?" He smirked, his previous posture returning to him

I rolled my eyes, feeling myself smile slightly, and this time it felt like a genuine smile, one that hadn't even crossed my face throughout the entire day. "Depends how nerdy you get" I replied.

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