Chapter 1

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a/n alright well this is my rewritten version of this story since the original is beyond unrealistic. So yeah hope you guys enjoy. -newlyliving

Grayson POV:
It was Saturday night and me, Jack, Aaron, and Ethan were planning to go to a party near Huntington Beach. While me and my friends were getting ready, we heard Jack yelling and sounding really upset.

"What's going on?"I said. "Some asshole slashed all of my tires, I don't think we can go to that party tonight guys," Jack said."How about we get an uber?" Aaron said.

"There really isn't any cell service out here" I said kind of angrily. "We can always just take a bus" Ethan said. "I don't see why not I mean we really don't have any other choice other than to just stay home" jack said.

I'll admit I wasn't too happy about taking the bus.


Alessandra POV:
"Feels like I haven't sat down for hours and my feet are absolutely killing me." I thought to myself. At this very moment all I wanted was to go to the boxing ring just hit something. Anything.

I felt a wet nose nudging my aching legs. I looked down to see my dog Rory, she's a red pit bull with a patch of white on her chest that I found on the streets three years ago. When I found her, she looked like she was used as a bait dog used to train fighting dogs, you see a lot of those in LA just wandering the streets after they are no longer of use, anyways

I remembered she was all cut up with a big gash from her lower leg all the way to her mid back full of flies and maggots. I took her home cleaned her up and my mom sewed up her leg, she was a nurse and when she was younger she helped my grandma in her store, my grandma was a seamstress. It really comes in handy.

Everyday I would go to work and I would take Rory with me because our landlord doesn't allow pets and he checks everyday to make sure we don't have any so I have to take her with me. I take the bus and dogs aren't exactly "allowed" on, so I got creative and snuck her in through the back door and made her sit under my seat. Guess it's not that creative.

You would be surprised at how many people actually do the same.

Lost in my thoughts and I suddenly feel a nudge and a growl. It's Rory trying to get out of my bag once again. I see a quite attractive guy looking at me suspiciously and I started to panic. "Rory please just stay in the bag or we will get kicked off the bus!" It's funny cause she actually listens.

Grayson's POV:
I'll be honest I wasn't too happy being in this bus especially since there was some girl that smelled like fryer grease trying to keep her dog under the bus seat.

She was really cute though and you can tell she was pretty tough. I don't know how to explain it but I just felt very attracted to this girl sitting across from me facing the other way to avoid the bus drivers sight.

I felt Ethan staring at me and when I turned to see sure enough there he was with a smug look on his face."Dude don't even think about it" Ethan said. "What are you talking about" I said. "She is waaaaay out of your league and quite frankly she looks like she could beat your ass." Ethan said laughing."I
Ha ha ha it's so funny honestly" I said sarcastically. " I'm still gonna talk to her."

*Let's just assume Grayson isn't allergic to dogs 😂*

Opposite | g.dOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora