Twenty One - A Month Later

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Chapter Twenty-One

Not really sure about this chapter. It's not my best work, I think I could've done it better but I'm under a lot of pressure at school right now, especially with the end of term approaching. Hopefully I can finish this story off in the holidays though cos I'll have a lot of spare time on my hands! Anyway, enjoy this chapter and check out outfits in the external link. Weow. xo

Dedicated to Angelina Scuffle for taking the time to give me a whole bunch of songs. Thanks girl! Stay ballin' (: x

I'm back. A month has passed and I'm back. Back from my tour in Europe. And I've changed. I'm no child now. I'm sexy. People take me seriously. I'm fierce. 

My brother Finn is sitting in the lounge, staring at me as I make him dinner in the kitchen. "What happened to you sis?" He asks incredulously. "You're like ... Not you."

"People change Finn. It was inevitable. I'm famous now, I have an image to uphold," I reply simply as I let the pasta sauce simmer.

I turn to him and he nods. "Fair enough. I'm not sure if I like it though."

"When have I ever cared what you think?"

I raise a perfectly arched eyebrow at him and he groans. "That's true. Oh well, it's your life."

"Indeed it is."

I like the new me. Miley likes the new me. My team likes the new me. I've stopped hiding, stopped staying in my comfort zone. I branch out. I take risks. I'm fearless. I've been on dates. I've hooked up with cute Europeans with fancy cars. And I like it. It's fun. I'm fun. 

I finish dinner and we sit down to eat. My cooking skills have gotten better. Mama J taught me a few things on tour and now I'm comfortable in the kitchen. It's been a week since I've been back and I've cooked for myself each night. I haven't been into the studio so I've had the time. I start back in a couple days, Eddie let me have a well-deserved rest. My friends have already been up to see me and it was so nice to see them. I may have changed but I'm friends with and who I associate with hasn't. Well, I have made a few new friends in the last month but I'm speaking in regards to my old life. Back when I was scared. 

When Finn and I have finished dinner, we both get ready to go out. I promised him I'd take him to the circus they have running in town at the moment so that's where we plan to go. I have a quick shower and change into something more appropriate for going out - black skinny jeans, red pumps, a white tank and a black blazer. I tie my hair into a neat bun and do my make-up. 

Phase one of my makeover a month ago was changing my image. At first, it was baby steps, but now I hardly ever wear boots or sneakers. It's nearly always heels. And I never leave the house without make-up on. Even when I go food shopping. I've grown used to it and now they're just a part of my everyday life. Ally was thrilled when I made the change.

Finn knocks on my door to tell me he's ready so I grab my chain-link bag and emerge from my room. I ruffle his hair. "God you're so tall now. You shot up in the month I was gone."

He grunts and bats my hand away. "Yeah I know Ash, but please don't mess my hair up."

I laugh and do it again just for fun. I ignore his protests and together we make our way to my car. That's another thing that's changed recently, my car. Gone is the old, run down silver BMW and now a sleek, black Mercedes-Benz sits in its place. Eddie told me I should reward myself with all the effort I’ve put in over the couple of months so I did just that. I unlock it and hop in. Finn chooses the music as we drive to the circus so we don't talk much. 

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