Nine - Back to the Beginning

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Chapter Nine

Thank you everyone who reads this. More Wes/Emblem3 will be in this story from now on (: xoxox

This chapter is dedicated to Anna bc I think her comments are really cute. P.S Um can we be like Tumblr besties since you have an Emblem3 blog?!?! Lol no one loves me ont here hahah xxx FOLLOW HER ON TUMBLR

The next morning, I’m up and showered by 10am. While my porridge cooks, I pick out something to wear. I want something comfortable so I just chuck on my worn out black Converse, my faded Guns ‘n Roses top and some black skinnies. I tie my hair in a messy bun, quickly eat my porridge and make my way over to the studio. Everyone is already settled when I get there so we jump straight into it. I work on my vocals with Mama J whilst jumping around; she wants me to work on withstanding good vocals whilst keeping up my energy on stage.

It doesn’t look hard when you see others doing it, but boy does it push me. I’m sweating up a storm when the day is over. Mama J simply smiles, “It’s hard work isn’t it Asha. Don’t worry hun, you get used to it after a couple of days. Soon, it’ll come easy.”

“I sure hope so.” I manage to splutter out as I gulp down mouthfuls of water.

She chuckles, "Have faith, it will. Tomorrow, we'll be over on Ryder Place at the dance studio because we need to work on your set movement. Stage placement, that sort of stuff." 

"Ok great, I can do that." 

"Excellent, you're free to go now honey."

I say goodbye to her and after briefly checking with Sarah and Eddie, I make my way home. I'm so tired when I get in that I have to take a nap. When I wake up from that nap, I eat, then I shower. Then I call my family and then I go to sleep.

The next day, I pretty much repeat the same process. I wake up, eat and then go rehearse for six hours. My body feels it and I'm so physically tired but I push through. Eddie says the stuff I need has already been sent to my hotel so I make my way straight there after rehearsal, I'm just keen to sleep now. 

When I get to my hotel, I drag myself up to the tenth floor. Eddie is already there waiting for me, I whimper. "No please don't make me do anything. I'm so tired." 

He laughs, "One Direction is coming here soon and we thought you could meet each other before tomorrow." 

"Do I have too?" I mean, don't get me wrong, I’d loveto meet these ridiculously famous and ridiculously hot boys but I legitimately have no energy.

Eddie rolls his eyes, "It's only 7pm Asha, yes you do. It doesn't have to be for long, just an hour minimum. You can grab some dinner with them downstairs. It'll be fun darling! God, I could just lick Zayn's abs myself. He’s too die for." 

I can't help but laugh at that, "Why don't you hang out with them then?" 

"Oh I wish. However, I have a few things to sort out regarding tomorrow so I have no time. You however, have all the time in the world. So I expect you to be down in the hotel restaurant, showered and presentable in half an hour." 

I sigh, "Yes Eddie." 

He gives me a kiss on the cheek before disappearing in a fluster out my door. I do as he says and have a shower. It succeeds in relaxing me and getting all the knots out in my back, so when I surface from the hot water, I'm feeling somewhat better. I go through some stuff in my suitcase and find it's all new stuff courtesy of Ally. A lot of it is more edgy than I would usually wear so I have to hunt around for some more mellow stuff. I like simple thing, my style is very simple.

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