Twelve - Just Jump

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Chapter Twelve

Sorry I've been MIA lately but I've been immensely busy! This chapter isn't very long but I really wanted to get something up. The editing was done pretty hastily but I hope you enjoy it anyway. More will be happening over the next feew chapters (whenever they're be up) but yeah, stay with me goise. xo

Enidamb - I love 5:15. Yaaay for Bridgit Mendler. 

I’m in the studio the next morning bright and early. Eddie has some coffee for me to keep me going which is refreshing. A lovely lady named Alexis Dawn is in the studio with me, she wants to help me get some thoughts on to paper on the hope it’ll eventually formulate into a song.

She asks me about any experiences I’ve had, anything that’s shaped me to be who I am today. She says boys are the easiest place to start. I haven’t had many boyfriends, only one really. One I would count anyway. Aaron was his name and he comes with a story of his own. I’m not sure if I can form it into a song but I tell Alexis about him anyway. She seems intrigued so I tell her everything. I tell her about how he was afraid to go out with me, he said he'd never fall for me. I tell her that we did end up going out and he fell so hard and fast it was scary. He was so in love, it made me afraid. I wasn't in love with him because I mean, we were only 16. So I tell her that and then I tell her that I decided we should take a break and then we just never got back together. I tell her I was so afraid to hurt him because he was such a good guy and girls were so ruthless with him. Eventually he got over it, but it wasn't the same with that.

She listens intently to my story and when I finish, there's a smile on her face. She excitedly joys a few things down, "This excellent to run with. I already have ideas zooming in my head and I think once you get into the swing of things, you will too. Simon and Eddie have given us two days tops to write and produce it so we have to work fast."

That pulls me up short. I frown at her, "Two days?! That's not even realistic."

"Only if we're not smart about it. We'll have a lot of people helping us." She smiles sadly, "Don't worry. I know it'll be more hard work from you but it'll pay off in the end."

"Yeah okay." I grumble in reply. I've given up on Simon and Eddie doing reasonable things. Now I just expect curve balls.

For the whole day, we brainstorm and write lines and play around with tunes and I don't realise how much work it is, how much effort I have to put into it. By the end of the day, I'm so mentally drained I could fall asleep on the couch in our studio.

Alexis however, won't let me, insisting I go home to sleep. Grudgingly, I pull myself up and after thanking her for the day, I make my way home. Knowing I have no energy to cook anything, I pick up something from Taco Bell. WhenI get home, I don't hesitate in digging straight into it. I'm halfway through my first Taco when my phone starts ringing. I finish my mouthful and pick it up, assuming it's Eddie, I snap my 'hello' at him.

I find it's not Eddie when the other person laughs and then says, "What's got you in a bad mood Carson?" 

My mood darkens, Wes is worse than Eddie right now. "Oh I'm not in the mood for your smart remarks Wes." I growl.

He laughs again, "Ok I promise I'll refrain. I just rang to see how your first day of writing went?"

I immediately relax and feel bad for snapping at him. I take a deep breath to try and rid myself of any lingering anger, "It was long and tiring but we got a lot of ideas down."

"Yeah writing is a long process."

"Well it won't be for me." I moan. "I've been given two weeks to write and produce it."

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