Seventeen - The Month

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Chapter Seventeen

This is completely and whole-heartedly a filler chapter. No effort or cares went into this chapter, heck it's only 900 words so yeah. I'm just not into doing one whole chapter then in the next chapter being 'One Month Later', it really annoys me but then I didn't want to write a couple of chapters on Asha being away from Wes cos that'd be hella annoying so I came up with this. 

Anyway, I'll try and get the next chapter up as fast as I can.

Love all you bitchez.

I stay in a shocked state for three days. Luckily, I have no shows so I’m able find refuge in telling Eddie, Miley and Josh my guitarist about Wes. They all have different opinions and it’s just a mind rape really.

I haven’t talked to Wes since I left. That was four days ago. Slowly, I’m trying to move past it so I can focus on my job. No wonder why Sarah didn’t want me to get involved, it’s easier when you don’t have close ties. That way you don’t get as distracted.

I have a show in a few hours and I’m frantically trying to pull off a few covers I’ve been working on. They’re reasonably good but they could be better. Miley says I’ll get used to the tour life as time goes on and soon I’ll have everything down packed.


The show goes great. The next show goes great too. The show after that also goes great. I'm having a fantastic time, it's an amazing opportunity. It's a week after I've left that I finally get some down time and in that time, I Skype my friends and family. We Skype until my laptop dies and after that, I tweet. Then after that, I text. And when I'm texting, I receive one from someone I'd be waiting for. It's Wes of course. I'm hesitant at first to open it, but eventually I just bite the bullet and do it. 

'hey how's the tour coming along?'

That's it. That's all I get. And then for next hour that's pretty much how we text. We text as if we're friends with no past, friends with no secrets. We text as if nothing's wrong. As if we never kissed. As if it never happened. And I’m okay with that. I’m okay with forgetting about it.  

And then for the rest of the month we text some more. We text and call and tweet. And I do my shows. And I go to signings and parties and restaurants and beaches and places I've never been before. And I get sick too. Because being on tour is draining. So when I'm sick, I miss a couple shows but that's okay because when I bounce back I'm better than ever. I also get closer to Miley and her band and I manage to meet Selena and we hang out a few times. I meet Justin Bieber too and he's cool. We meet a bunch of other famous people and at first, I'm star struck but after the tenth one, the novelty wears off. They're actually really normal and really easy to get along with. I meet Logan Lerman and he's funny. I meet Josh Hutcherson too and he's cute. I meet the Hemsworth brothers and Liam is awesome. Him and Miley are cute. So so cute that I'm slightly jealous. Only slightly though. I move past a million followers on Twitter and Instagram and my songs on YouTube get a heap of views. 'Give Your Heart A Break' is number one for a while. Then it gets bumped off by Macklemore. Oh I meet Macklemore too. And Ryan Lewis and they're so chill and such cool people. Ryan says he likes my voice. I tell him I think he's awesome. We both grin at each other.

I follow all the requests Wes gave me. I haven't changed, I talk to him as much as I can and I haven't fallen for a guy. I don't change even though Miley keeps saying I'll look sexy as hell in a different assortment of clothes. She tries to put me in heels, tight skirts, and revealing tops but I say no. I decline her offer politely and stick to my sweaters and boots. She doesn't seem to mind. She likes it. She likes that I'm not changing, that I'm staying who I am.

I still text Wes even though I struggle to stay awake at night. I still call him even though I barely get down time. They’re voted off the show but he's okay with that. He's not unhappy because Simon wants to sign them. He's stoked. They're all stoked. 

The month goes fast. So so fast. And before I know it, our shows in America come to an end. A sad end because they were so great but a happy end too because we have Europe next. Europe is going to be fantastic. 

But before we can go there, I get a call from Simon. Well, Eddie gets the call; he just passes the information onto me. Simon wants me to go back to Hollywood. To X factor. He wants me to sing 'Give Your Heart A Break' with Fifth Harmony. Apparently they've already done it this season and I didn't even know. But he wants me to go back anyway, even though I'm on tour. I can't say no to him. Not at all. So I have no choice but to go back. I'll just meet Miley and everyone in Europe. I'll miss the opening show though which I'm annoyed about but there’s nothing I can do. 

Because I'm going back to the X Factor.

To sing with Fifth Harmony.

And Jennel will be there.

And Keaton.

And Drew.

And Wes too.

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