Twenty - Last Words

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Chapter Twenty

Weow. Really getting into this Wes story! Wes has just been giving me and Lo the craziest feels lately, he gets me ya know. I can't handle it. 

Aaaaanyway, hope you enjoy this chapter. (: You probs won't but meh. 

This chapter is dedicated to Zeina because she is freaking mint! 

I’m at the X Factor studio early the next day to get ready for my performance. The Fifth Harmony girls and I run through it a few more times before we split off into our respective areas for interviews and photographs. After lunch, I sit down with Eddie, Drew and his manager and we talk about what we want to sing. For us, it’s an opportunity to spread positivity, for them however, it’s merely a publicity stunt. Sometimes the show world never fails to amaze me.

It’s an hour before the show's supposed to start that Ally starts prepping me. She curls my hair and does my make-up then gives me my outfit. Tonight I'm wearing a loose black printed tank, black skinny jeans and knee high black boots. When I'm finished and ready, she scrunches her face up slightly in thought, "I wish you'd start wearing heels more. You look so good in them. You look prettier.”

"Gee thanks.”

She rolls her eyes. “You know what I mean.”

We let the subject drop and I hang out with everyone backstage while I wait for my performance. When it finally comes up, I'm excited. Not like last time where I made a fool or myself in front of Wes. This time I'm ready. I've performed in front of bigger crowds with Miley so this is nothing. Tonight is a small stage. Tonight I'm not scared. Before I go out on stage, Wes comes over. He grins at me. "Good luck out there Carson." 

"Thanks Wes."

He squeezes my shoulder softly. "I'll see you afterwards."

Ally starts to pull me away so I just nod in reply. She tugs me to my place backstage and does a few last minute touch ups. I hear Fifth Harmony starting up so she gives me a smile. "Kill it out there girl."

"Sure thing." 

She quickly kisses my cheek and vanishes. The stagehand gives me a microphone and before I know it, I'm being announced on stage by Camila.

I clear my mind. It's just me and the music. No Wes. No nothing. Just me, the stage, the crowd and nothing else. The big doors open and I walk through slowly, singing my song and letting everything go. 


When I come off stage, I'm buzzing. My team congratulates me on a successful performance and after I've been handed my phone and some water, I plonk down in a seat and let myself relax. After a while, I have a sudden urge to pee so I make my way to the bathroom. On my way there, I'm scrolling through my Instagram when something catches my eye. It's a fan account that I follow and the photo she's posted makes me stop up short. It's of two people kissing. The girl is blonde and unrecognizable. But the boy, the boy ... He sports a Snapback and scruffy hair that is so familiar it hurts. Something inside of me tugs. Or even rips. Tears. Breaks. Whatever word you want to use, they all mean the same anyway.

I read the caption underneath the photo and my stomach hollows. 'Wes and Carly Miner kissing! Totally blindsided with this!"

Yeah, me too girl. Me too. Anger surges through me. To think I even liked him. Wasted time over him. To think I thought he meant something. I grip my phone murderously in my hand and march to the green room. Emblem3 are there. They're always there. I burst in through the door and head straight for Wes. He's standing up so he's in a perfect position for me to shove him aggressively. "You stupid, lying, two-faced jerk!" I scream at him, pushing him each time to get my point across.

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