Eighteen - More Mistakes

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Chapter Eighteen

Here you go. It's weird and I kind of veered away from ym plan but I know what's gonna happen so yeah, that's great. Hope you enjoy this, love all you bitchez xoxox

P.S Vote and comment if ya want.

P.P.S Mumford and Sons - Dunno what relvance it has to the chapter but it's a mint song haha

P.P.P.S The rel slim shady, I will try to put an Enimen song eventually. U R ballin' for suggesting it gurl xoxo

When I open the door to my apartment, a feeling of nostalgia washes through me. Everything is unlived in but it's so good to be home. I thought being on tour was amazing but being back here is even better. I collapse onto my bed and the familiarity caresses me like an old friend. I close my eyes and smile in delight, enjoying the softness of the duvet - a big contrast from the stiff hotel sheets I'm used to. 

I lie down for a long time, I may even fall asleep, I'm not entirely sure. What I do know, is that I fall off my bed in surprise because there's a loud knock at my door. After groaning, I drag myself from the mess on the floor to the front door. I expect a few different people when I open the door but Drew Chadwick definitely isn't one of them. 

"Hey Drew," I say slowly, slightly caught up.

He laughs, "Don't look so surprised! Do I get a hug?"

"Yeah sure," I reply quickly wrapping my arms around him loosely in the process. "I just wasn't expecting you thassall."

Keaton pops up behind him. "Hi Asha!" he exclaims excitedly. "Don't look so surprised. We thought we'd come visit you and say hello, it has been a month." Sub-consciously, I peer over their shoulders to see if I can see the third instalment of their trio. 

Drew laughs, instantly ripping apart my concentration. "Don't think we're here alone, Wes is just parking up the car."

"I wasn't expecting any of you," I say pointedly, trying to cover up my curiosity. "I've been back all of two hours. I was expecting Eddie or someone like that."

Keaton shrugs. "Yeah Eddie is at the X Factor studio at the moment double checking your rehearsal times. We were passing him on our way out. We have about twenty minutes before he shows up."

"Well then, guess you better come on in." I waltz back into my apartment, the two boys following close behind. "You guys hungry?"

"Of course we are, starving actually," Drew says.

They seat themselves down on the couches whilst I pull out a few things that haven't gone off in my cupboards, to make them some food. Unfortunately I only have biscuits and chocolate and stupid things like that so I opt to make them sundaes with the (only slightly off) ice cream in the freezer. 

I'm halfway through breaking some Oreos over their bowls of ice cream when I hear him. I hear him before I see him and the close proximity of his voice hits me all over. He says a few things to the boys and throws his keys onto the counter. I haven't seen him for a whole month so when I turn around I'm slightly surprised. He's had a haircut and he has stubble. He looks older. More mature. Well, that would be more convincing had he not been wearing a snapback and sweater - his usual ensemble of clothing. He grins at me, a big, full grin that I haven't seen in a while. 

I smile shyly at him, unsure of how to act. Sure we've been talking and texting but it's not the same as it is in person. I was hoping the month gave us enough distance to move on. Gave me enough distance to move on, so that when I'm back in situations like this, I'll have no feelings. No feelings that want his lips on mine and his hands in my hair. No feelings that want him closer to me. I was hoping the distance would've made all the intimate feelings disappear.

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