Four - Sweet Eighteenth

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Chapter Four

*wishes this was as popular as Say What You Mean* oh well, enjoy anyway (: xx

After the initial celebrating, we all quieten down so we can call our respective counterparts. I step off to the side and call my family. They're overjoyed for me and I can here celebrating in the background. We talk quite a while about everything that's happening. They start wishing me Happy Birthday and in all honesty, I had completely forgotten I turned 18 today. I thank them for their wishes and I haven't realised anyone's approached me until they say, "Wait, it's your birthday today?" 

I snap around to see Jennel with a confused expression on her face. I say my last goodbyes to Mum and Dad quickly because next thing I know, she's gone running off to the others. I'm not fast enough and when I approach everyone, they're quick to say Happy Birthday and insist we celebrate. I sigh, "Guys, it's cool. You barely know me, we don't need to celebrate." 

Drew scoffs, "Who cares? We don't need to have known you for that long; we just need a reason to drink." 

"I don't drink." I point out.

He shrugs, "Don't care. Meet at our hotel at about eight thirty tonight and we'll celebrate. It's your 18th for goodness sake, in countries like New Zealand you would be officially an adult right now so it's a milestone." 

"You're weird." 

Drew shrugs again, "Some kids just moved from there to Huntington so we know a few facts." 

"Okay, uh, cool?" 

"Yeah whatever. So bring that leftover alcohol and we'll celebrate tonight." 

So on that note we part ways, agreeing we'll meet back at their hotel at around eight thirty. I go back to my own hotel, have some food, and have another shower. I need the hot water to let myself relax after an eventful day. I rummage through my suitcase to find the one nice dress I brought just in case of situations like this. I smooth it out, and it's not that crinkled so I'm satisfied. It's a simple studded collar, beige dress so I just pair it with my black boots and my normal jewellery, leaving on Wes' bracelet of course. I do my make-up and let my simple blond hair fall naturally.

When I'm all ready to go, I grab my bag and check out. The directions to their hotel are easy so I get there in no time. I check in as a visitor and am given their room number. There's music coming loudly from their suite when I get on their floor so it takes some knocking for them to realise I'm here. When they open the door, I am absolutely shocked. The place is decked out in balloons and streamers and they're all wearing birthday hats. They pop a few crackers and yell ‘Happy Birthday’ and I'm almost brought to tears, overwhelmed with everything. I don't hesitate to give them each hugs, "Wow guys, you really didn't have to do this." 

Jennel beams at me, "Everyone deserves to have a good birthday, especially if they're away from family."

"This means a lot," I admit to them, "thank you so much." 

Drew winks, "Don't worry about it. So did you bring that alcohol?" 

I pull it out of the bag and we drink. Yeah, even I drink. Well okay, one glass but that's enough for me. I hate to confess, but I'm having heaps of fun - not even Wes is ruining my mood which is something. We sing, dance, eat, and drink and it's hilarious. It's not until the hotel people tell us we need to quieten down that we stop dancing and singing and drinking. I turn the music down low and flop onto the couch next to Wes who looks as if he's stoned. He gives me a lazy smile, "You alright?" 

"Yeah I'm good." 

He nods, "That's good." 

He shows me the pink bracelet, "I've still got mine on."

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