Chapter 66 - Is This What You Want?

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A/N - So; Two Reasons for this update

~ Secretly hoping StrangeDesires updates PDLM again ;) ;)

~ I'm trying to get brainwaves for the next DRAMA based chapter

Chloe had been spending a load of time with Max and the girls as she felt like she didn't spend much time with them. As it was a Monday afternoon and half term Chloe was making lunch for the girls, Max had gone out "when is daddy coming back?" Chloe shrugged "when he feels like it" Aubree glared "Mummy! Tell me" Chloe grinned "I don't know when he's coming home".

Charlotte had eventually remembered Tom and what he had put her through. That morning Charlotte was sitting outside with the kids and Tom came out "I'm sorry I made you feel like ending your life" Charlotte looked up "you always do it Tom, I don't know if our marriage can survive this" Tom frowned "you don't mean that, we belong together" Charlotte stood "I used to think that but now, I'm not too sure" Charlotte made her way inside leaving Tom to think about what he had done.

Chloe had fed the girls and she had just finished washing up just as her phone rang -

Call Begins

Chloe - Hey hun, are you okay?

Charlotte  - Not really, I don't know what to do anymore

Chloe - How do you mean?

Charlotte - I mean, everything that has happened with Tom. I don't know anymore Chloe.

Chloe - Look hun, I'm always here for you, no matter what.

Charlotte - Thanks, look I'm gonna go and sort something out

Chloe - Talk to you soon
Call Ends

Chloe hung up and she sighed "daddy is back!" Chloe smiled as the front door opened "daddy!" Aubree ran into the hallway "I missed you" Max smiled and he walked into the kitchen "have fun?" Max shrugged "it was okay" Chloe grinned just as Max planted his lips on hers in a passionate embrace.

Charlotte was looking online for houses, she wanted to put some distance between them and try to work the relationship out without the stress of them being under the same roof. After looking online for a while she had found a four bedroom house that was close to Chloe and Max's, the house was fully furnished so she had paid the deposit and the first months rent with the money she had in her bank account.

Eddie had come over to help Charlotte with hers and the kids stuff. When he arrived Tom was confused "why are you here?" Eddie sighed "I'm here to help Charlotte move" Tom frowned "move where?" Charlotte was stood behind Tom "my new house, I think we need some time away" Tom turned to her "is this what you want?" Charlotte nodded "yeah it is, I love you so much Tom it's tearing me apart" Tom nodded "fine".

Chloe had been told that Charlotte had brought a house close by and that Eddie was helping her settle in "Charlotte moved out" Max looked up "why?" Chloe sighed "because she needs time" Max nodded "maybe you should go over to her new place" Chloe looked at Max "I wanna spend time with you, I don't do that enough" Max smirked and kissed her "there's always tonight" Chloe grinned and feigned innocence "what's happening tonight?" Max pulled Chloe onto his lap "well, once our daughters are in bed, I'll be taking you to our bed and showing you how much I love you" Chloe looked into his eyes and she kissed him.

Charlotte had just put the kids into the car and she turned to Tom "this is for the best, I love you" Tom said nothing but he kissed the kids and went inside "he's gonna hate me now" Eddie sighed "it's for the best".

Eddie dropped Charlotte off at the new house and he helped her get settled "if you need me then call" Charlotte smiled and she made her way inside.

Chloe pulled up outside Charlotte's house. When Charlotte answered the door it was evident that she had been crying "I've ruined everything" Chloe pulled Charlotte into a hug "you've not, you're doing what's best for you". Chloe made Charlotte a cup of tea "Tom hates me" Chloe sadly smiled "I'm sure he doesn't" Charlotte nodded "he does, he didn't even say anything when I left" Chloe sighed "maybe some time apart will do you both good" Charlotte nodded again.

Tom went to bed extremely drunk that he didn't even register getting undressed or even climbing up the stairs. It was his fault that Charlotte had gone. He fell asleep that night determined to not fall in love again.

Once Chloe had gone Charlotte got the kids tucked up in bed she locked the door and went up to bed herself. She missed Tom but she thought it was for the best, their relationship wasn't working out and deep down he knew that. Charlotte went to sleep that night crying, she didn't want to lose Tom.

Max pushed Chloe onto the bed and began undressing her "I love you" Chloe grinned "I know, I love you too" Max kissed her again. Eventually their passionate embrace led onto something more which Chloe loved. A couple hours later they both fell asleep in each others arms.

A/N - So as I said this is for StrangeDesires ( I really hope she can update again :D) Madly obsessed with her PSM series!

Let me know any ideas you have for this

Hope you liked

Bye for now

The Daughter Of Rachel Mason - Book ThreeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora