Chapter 26 - Chloe Knows

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A/N - So this isn't gonna be aslong as the previous one xD 2000+ words

Let me know if you have any ideas.

Charlotte had been thinking about telling Tom that she was schizophrenic but she didn't know he would take it, Chloe knew and Max knew, she thought Tom would hate the fact she didn't confide in him to begin with.

Tom was downstairs getting ready for work and Charlotte decided to speak with him before he went so he would have the day to think things over. Charlotte went downstairs and saw Tom "morning beautiful" Charlotte smiled "you know when I went to the Hospital with Chloe and I said I had depression?" At Tom's nod Charlotte continued "I lied, he said I was showing symptoms of schizophrenia" Tom frowned "you could have told me" Charlotte nodded "I know, I'm sorry I never told you" Tom grabbed his things and left.

Chloe and Max had taken Aubree out of Moor Green Nursery and they had enrolled her into a new one, she didn't start for another two weeks so she stayed with Chloe, "Mummy can we play?" Chloe groaned "Aubree its too early" Aubree sighed "okay Mummy" Chloe smiled and pulled Aubree under the fleece blanket with her and Isla.

Charlotte knew Tom hated her and she knew he wouldn't want to be with her now she had this illness, she was takingn the kids, she was setting Tom free, he could be free to love again. Charlotte had text Eddie and asked if she and the kids could stay with him and Rachel and of course he agreed. Once all the stuff was packed she left without a backwards glance.

Tom had spent the morning thinking about what Charlotte had told him, he still loved her and he wanted her to know that so why he had a quiet class he text her -

Tom - I still love you. Nothing will ever change that Xx

He didn't get a reply so he knew she was upset about how he reacted that morning, sighing he told the class to shut up.

Chloe managed to get Isla to have a nap but Aubree was acting cheerful "Mummy, can I watch a film?" Chloe nodded "sure" Aubree toddled over to the sofa and climbed up while Chloe put a DVD on for her.

~A Few Hours Later~

School had ended so Max got his stuff and left "Max, the meeting tomorrow, it's 7:30 right?" Max nodded "yes" Vaughn nodded "okay, see you tomorrow" Max walked off.

Tom returmed home and saw that Charlotte wasn't there, neither were the kids, frowning he dialled her number -

"This is Charlotte, I'm not here right now but leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible"

"Charlotte, where are you? Bring my kids back please" Tom hung up and sighed.

Chloe was relaxing on the sofa with Max while Aubree was in her room playing and Isla was playing with her toys in the corner "have fun today?" Max smirked "since when did anyone have fun at Waterloo Road?" Chloe grinned "I don't know, I remember more than once where I've had fun" Max smirked again and kissed her.

Charlotte still wasn't answering her phone and Tom was beginning to panic, he got into his car and drove over to Chloe and Max's. The tears were obvious on his face. Knocking the door he waited 2minutes before Max answered "Tom, what can I do for you?" Tom frowned "is she here?" Max was confused "who?" "Charlotte" Max shook his head "she's not here" Tom sighed "I didn't know where else to go" Max nodded "come in" Tom walked into the house and Aubree was sitting on the stairs "Daddy can I see Tom?" Max shook his head "not yet" Aubree nodded and she walked back upstairs.

Charlotte sat with Eddie while Rachel cleaned up after dinner "look, Tom will still love you and he won't leave you" Charlotte sighed "I'm scared though in case he does" Eddie pulled her into a hug "I'm always gonna be here for you".

Chloe and Max arrived at Rachel and Eddie's "does Tom know Charlotte is here?" Chloe shook her head "no, Charlotte text me when Tom was at ours" Max nodded "right".

Tom followed Chloe and Max to Rachel and Eddie's and then he realised Charlotte was staying there. He knew she wouldn't want to see him so he decided to go home knowing her and his kids were safe.

Max and Chloe could see the hurt in Charlotte's eyes "Charl, talk to me" Charlotte looked at Rachel and Eddie and they left. Once Eddie and Rachel were gone Charlotte spoke "I'm scared Tom won't love me anymore because of this schizophrenia" Chloe pulled Charlotte into a hug "I know what it's like to think the guy you love doesn't want you" Max frowned and spoke "Chloe?" Chloe smiled "we'll go away, romantic time" Max smirked and Chloe turned back to Charlotte "I promise that Tom loves you and he won't leave you and he'll always love you" Charlotte smiled through her tears "can you give this to Tom next time you see him?" Chloe nodded "sure" Charlotte smiled "thanks".

Charlotte went to bed that night and she text Tom -

Charlotte - I'm sorry I left without telling you. I got worried X

Tom - It's fine. I hope you're okay X

Charlotte - I'm fine, I'm going to sleep X

Tom - Night X

Charlotte didn't reply, instead she turned her phone off and after checking on the kids she fell asleep.

Chloe had just been to check on Aubree and Isla, seeing that they were both fine she climbed into bed with Max "what are you doing?" Max smirked "booking that weekend you mentioned" Chloe rolled her eyes "serious?" Max nodded. Chloe was getting bored so she took the laptop from Max and began kissing him, he kissed her back and soon it led onto something more. A few hours later they both fell asleep.

A/N - this wasn't as long as the previous one xD ha! oh well it's an update :P

I would love ideas for Chlax and Charlom.

Hope you liked. Xo

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