Chapter 11 - Ignoring.

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Chloe and Charlotte hadn't spoken since Max had gone over and said Charlotte should stay away from Chloe and Chloe had been distant with Max as she felt it was his fault.

That morning Chloe was going into school with Max as Rachel was spending time with Aubree and Isla "you ready?" Chloe nodded "yeah, let's go" Chloe went to walk off when Max took her hand and pulled her back to him "I've said I was sorry for what happened?" Chloe rolled her eyes "it's not me you should apologise to Max, you really upset Charlotte" Max sighed "I know, I'll apologise to her next time I see her" Chloe nodded "good, after you've done that I might consider forgiving you" Max smirked "oh yeah?" Chloe rolled her eyes again "get your mind out the gutter".

Charlotte left the kids with Eddie while she went to see Tom at the school, When she got there she saw Max's car which obviously meant he was in school. She walked inand saw Chloe but she ignored her trying to talk to her.

Chloe frowned as Charlotte ignored her, this was all down to Max so she made her way to his office "apologise to Charlotte" Max frowned "she's not here?" Chloe nodded "yes she is, she's just blanked me" Max sighed "come here" Chloe reluctantly walked over "I'll apologise to her shortly" Chloe nodded "make sure you do Max or you can forget anything tonight" Max nodded.

Chloe was walking through the corridors when she heard crying in the bathroom so she walked in and saw Charlotte "what's wrong?" Charlotte looked up "it's what Max said, do you want me to stay away from you?" Chloe shook her head "of course not, I told you before I love you, I've known you longer than I have Max and I'll be damned if I lose you" Chloe and Charlotte hugged "Max wants too apologise to you".

Charlotte and Chloe made their way to Max's office "I believe you have something to say" Max looked up and spoke "I want to apologise for what I said the other day, it was wrong" Charlotte smiled "thank you Max" Max smiled and Charlotte turned and left.

A Few Hours Later

Chloe and Max had just returned home and as soon as they were through the door Max had Chloe pushed up against the wall and started kissing her "this isn't what I had in mind" Max smirked and took her upstairs.

Charlotte and Tom were having a cuddle up on the sofa "Max apologised" Tom nodded "good" Charlotte smiled "yeah, I've missed Chloe" Tom started kissing her and they went upstairs.

Chloe and Max lay in bed "thank you for apologising to Charlotte" Max kissed her again "I told you before, I'd do anything for you" Chloe grinned "yeah?" Max nodded "of course, you're mine forever" Chloe kissed him and they both fell asleep.

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