Chapter 63 - I Give Up.

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A/N - A MASSIVE thanks to StrangeDesires for the amazing idea for this update.

This will be left on a cliffhanger

Charlotte had been making herself unwell, she wasn't taking her medication, she had been looking after the kids and making sure they were okay, she didn't care about herself. Not anymore.

Chloe had seen a rapid change in Charlotte and it wasn't good. Tom wasn't intrested, Chloe had told him that he was immature and when he cheated on Charlotte, she had forgiven him when he cheated but Tom had said 'two wrongs don't make a right' Chloe replied by saying 'don't be pathetic'.

Charlotte didn't want to be here anymore, it was making her miserable. Tom hated her, she had been accused of cheating when it wasn't true.

Max could sense the tension between Chloe and Tom, It was rubbing off on Aubree and Isla. Chloe hadn't been happy about Tom staying saying he was a hyppocrite. Chloe was sitting outside with Aubree when Max came out "are you okay?" Chloe looked up and nodded "never better, why?" Max sighed and sat opposite her "I know you're not exactly happy about Tom staying here but he has nowhere else" Chloe nodded "he's a hyppocrite, Charlotte forgave him for his affair. She wasn't even having one" Max kissed Chloe and he went back inside.

Taitlyn and Jacob had seen their mummy looking down and they didn't like it. When Charlotte was changing TJ they both snuck into her room "I no want my mummy sad" Jacob nodded, he looked like he was about to cry "no cry, I look after you" Jacob smiled. Taitlyn had found a piece of paper "this got granddad's name on. We need to finds him" Jacob nodded and they left the bedroom and the house.

Chloe was making Isla a drink as she was unwell so Max was sitting with her on the sofa "mummy, Isla is crying again" Chloe inwardly groaned and took Isla's juice into her.

Taitlyn and Jacob were trying to find their granddad's house "I thinks we're lost" Jacob started crying "I want mummy" Taitlyn hugged Jacob "me too".

Eddie was driving over to Charlotte's to check on her. He had just turned into a street that was a shortcut when he saw a group of people crowding around two small kids, he got out his car and walked over to them frowning when he saw Taitlyn and Jacob "granddad!" Eddie looked at them "what are you two doing out here?" Jacob was crying "mummy sad" Taitlyn handed Eddie the note  and he read it, "where's mummy now?" "At home" Eddie nodded and he put Jacob and Taitlyn in the car.

Chloe had just come back from the shop when Eddie pulled up "if my mum has sent you round here to talk to me then save it" Eddie sighed and looked at Chloe "it's not that" Chloe turned back to Eddie as he opened the car door and Taitlyn got out with Jacob "where are TJ and Lillie?" "At home with mummy, she sad" Chloe frowned "can you give this to Tom?" Chloe reluctantly nodded "can you also keep these two here?" Chloe grinned at the two youngsters and nodded.

Entering the house Aubree came into the hallway Taitlyn! Jacob!" Tom came out the living room "hi daddy" Tom smiled at his kids "Eddie asked me to give you this, it's from Charlotte" Tom took the note and threw it in the bin before taking the kids outside.

Eddie arrived at Charlotte's house and he heard crying. Entering he saw Lillie sitting on the sofa and TJ in the play-pen. Eddie walked upstairs and checked every room but he couldn't find Charlotte. He paled when he realised what had happened. He ran downstairs and took Lillie and TJ out to the car.

Chloe took the note from the bin and read it -

Tom, Eddie and my amazing family,

This won't be very easy to read but I need to say it. I give up. Tom hates me, deep down you all do. I can't go on like this, it's tearing me apart. Know that I'll always love you and I so desprately hope you never forget me. Please let my baby's remember who I am and that I love them so much.

I'll be at my favourite tree by the lake at five O'clock.

It has been amazing knowing you all.
Take care of each other
All my love

Chloe shook her head just as Eddie burst in with Lillie and TJ "what?" Eddie was pale "Charlotte wasn't at home" Chloe felt the colour drain from her face and she looked at the clock 16:45 "we have fifteen minutes" Chloe turned and yelled Tom's name, he came running in with Max "we have to go, now" Tom rolled his eyes "I don't wanna know" Chloe was angry as Tom turned his back to her "SHE'S GONNA KILL HERSELF!" Tom turned back to Chloe "what?" Chloe threw the note at him and he read it.

Max kept the kids with him while Chloe, Eddie and Tom went to get Charlotte. When they arrived at the lake Chloe saw that it was 17:05 "we're too late" Eddie shook his head "no we're not. Leaving the car Chloe ran to where Charlotte loved to be and she saw it. Charlotte was there hanging "NO!" Chloe ran over as did Eddie and Tom and the men began un-doing the not that held Charlotte while Chloe rang an ambulance.

The ambulance had arrived and Chloe, Eddie and Tom went with her. Eddie held onto Chloe as she cried while Tom stared ahead in shock. The paramedics were recussitating Charlotte when one of them spoke "she might not make it"...

A/N - Well yeah.

Let me know what you thought.

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