"No, they're still out there." Kaien says gravely.

At his words I scan the fields once more only to find not a sign of their presence. I bite my lip in frustration. If they're here then where the hell are they?!

"They're gone now."

I move to face Kaien. "They retreated?"

He nods grimly. "This only proves my suspicions."

I raise a questioning brow, not bothering to ask the inquiry perched on my tongue.

"Not here." Is his answer.

Melodramatically he struts away, trench coat billowing in the night's breeze.

Rolling my eyes I go after the idiot.

Once we get to the street Kaien signals for a taxi. Because of the time, it takes awhile for one to show up.

"We need to stick together, Hitomi." Kaien says seriously, his voice then takes on its naturally cheerful tone. "That is why I'll be staying at your place during the duration of this case!"

I sweat drop. "What?!"

"Yes, we'll be safer that way! I'll explain to you when we get there. Besides," Kaien adds, "it will be fun! Like a sleepover! You could even braid my hair if you'd like." He tries to tempt me by taking a strand of long blond hair and tickling my face with it. "Tickle tickle!" When I don't react he repeats the ridiculous phrase. "Tickle tickle?"

I resist the urge to smack his hand away.

"Please get your hair away from my face, Mr. Cross." I say cooly.

Kaien pouts but listens, dropping the strand from his fingers and lowering his hand.

"Thank you, now I understand it is good to stay together but I am unwilling to sacrifice my privacy to do so. So, I decline your offer."

I'd rather fall in a hole of thumbtacks then allow Kaien anywhere near my house. He already knows too much than I am comfortable with anyone knowing.

"B-but Hitomi!" He whines, sticking out his lower lip like a child.


His eyes become wide and innocent, brimming with tears or rather "tears."


I keep my face clear of expression. "No."

"P-please. It really is for the best. And we'll have fun. I've never been to a sleep over before." Kaien laments, looking at me with big almond colored eyes.

Somehow with that pouty lip and puppy dog eyes he reminds me of Eri. And that is when my resolution crumbles.

"Fine." I huff. "But you need to obey my house rules, got it?"

I've never been able to withstand the puppy dog look on Eri's face or any child's face for that matter. I've never come across an adult trying to pull off the look, but I at least thought I'd be able to withstand one's, such as Kaien's. I suppose I've been wrong before.

He bobs his head enthusiastically. "Of course, I'll be a perfect angel!"

I roll my eyes and become even more miffed when Kaien is unable to hail a taxi. He just stands at the curb flailing around in gestures wildly.

"Move out of the way, please." I sigh, lightly pushing the blond to the side.

I signal once and one of the canary colored cars pull up beside us.

Kaien's eyes widen. "No fair! How can you do it and not me?!"

I shrug, getting into the car. Kaien gets in also but doesn't allow the subject to drop. "How do you do that so easily?! Tell me your secret!"


Thankfully we reach my house rather quickly. By the time we arrive Kaien has given up trying to make me divulge my secrets on the "art of hailing a taxi."

I allow Kaien to pay the driver so he doesn't whine like earlier and we're off, walking towards the large building.

"Wait." Kaien stops dead in his tracks. "Your house is an apartment?"

I shove down my annoyance. "Yes, it's only temporary. Now follow me."

We enter the lobby and up the elevator we go to the third floor, room 306. Hastily, I take out my key and stick it in the lock. After a moment the lock clicks. Before I can even touch a toe over the threshold, Kaien rushes in.

"It's so small!" He exclaims, eyes searching my cramped apartment in childish wonder.

"It's not permanent." I remind him, walking in myself and shutting the door behind me.

But he is right, my apartment is tiny and shabby for that matter. No decorations or pictures adorn the white walls. The carpet --the most colorful item in the room-- is in a red floral pattern. However, the brightness is dulled from years of use from its last tenants. It doesn't matter to me, despite it's shabbiness and blankness everything is clean and usable, so I have no complaints.

"Why are there no decorations or pictures?"

I look at him strangely. "It's a temporary apartment, not a dollhouse."

Kaien changes the subject. "May I have a seat?"

"Sure, do whatever you want." I shrug.

Once the blond vampire hunter is seated I ask my question. "Now that we're alone tell me the suspicions you mentioned earlier." I say casually, trying not to demand the information  from him.

"Oh yeah, that!" Kaien smiles broadly. "Thanks for reminding me!" As soon as the gigantic grin is there it's gone completely, replaced by a grim expression.

"Hitomi, they're on to us."

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