"Katrina!" Danny screams, quickly grabbing a towel from the cabinet.

I scream, "oh my god! Sorry, sorry!" I shout out, slamming the door.

That did not just happen! Please tell me that did not just happen!

"I'm really sorry Danny, I didn't know you were in there! If it makes you feel any better, I didn't see anything" I shout from the other side of the door.

"I feel so violated" I hear him mutter to himself.

I hold back a loud laugh and bite my lip. I laugh silently and cover my mouth with my palm, muffling my laughter.

That was a total lie. I saw everything, and I mean everything.

But he doesn't need to know that.

"What's happening?!" Daniel storms into my room with wide eyes and two hands on his gun.

I deadpan, "nothing!"

"But I heard you scream," Daniel says confused, scratching the back of his head and tucking the gun away.

"I thought you were in the gym!" Danny yells from the other side of the door.

Daniel looks at the door and back to my amused expression and it was like a lightbulb when off in his head, "oh."

"I was!" I exclaim, ignoring Daniel. "What are you doing in my bathroom anyway?!"

"My handle broke!"

"You could have used the other fifteen bathrooms!" I retort back.

"I was in a hurry!"

I hear him shuffle around and unlock the door.
I don't turn around until he tells me too and when he does I was thankful to see him fully clothed.

Thank god!

Oh man! I can't even look at him the same way anymore! I look to the side and clear my throat awkwardly as he rubs the back of his neck and coughs.

"Let's not mention this to Ryder," he says.

"Agreed" I instantly reply back.

We walk around each other stiffly and cautiously, in silence. Danny runs out and Daniel had a giant smirk on his face, "did you see?"

"Every single thing" I smirk, holding my laughter.

He laughs loudly and walks out, letting me enter the bathroom. I quickly close the door and lock it.

When I slam the door shut I go into hysterics. I laugh until my stomach hurts and I feel tears from my eyes.

Oh Danny.

I sigh happily and walk to the sink, I turn it on and start washing the blood. I grimace as it stings but other than that I just wash it carefully.

I turn it off, strip out of my workout clothes, and enter the shower.

I hum in peace as I let the warm water relax my muscles. I make myself squeaky clean and walk out. I make sure to grab a towel and check the bedroom before I walk into the closet.

I put my hair into a messy but cute bun and manage to put some makeup on and pray to god I can manage to sneak out of here for a little while.

I check my watch and see it was already two o'clock. I quickly bandage my hands but make sure it was the thin nude coloured so it wouldn't stand out.

I grab my handbag and walk towards the garage.

"Where do you think you're going?"

I snap my head towards James and curse under my breath.

Bad Boys Kidnapped MeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora